Saturday, October 20, 2007

This Sabbath was a true blessing, excluding the fact that I woke up a bit late. Last night I stayed up late talking with Eric about some things. It was a good conversation.

I was probably one of the last ones to arrive at the church, but I still got there by 10 o’clock. We started a little later then usual, because its going to be the first Sabbath that the evangelistic members are going to celebrate with us. It was exciting. Dr. Johnson, the Indian evangelist, told a mission spotlight kind of a thing, and Dr. Finley spoke for the service. It was a very good message. Those are the kind of messages that I need to hear, the ones that are heart convicting, and life changing. The church was packed much more then usual, I even took a few pictures.

The afternoon was basically spent with Stacy and Nathan. Afterwards, whereby, Nathan left for Mass. He’s always gone. Sometimes its nice, and many other times its not. But it can get kind of lonely, in a non gay way.

Since I spent more of the afternoon alone, I watch many of the mission Spotlights. You can download them from iTunes. Its amazing to see the church develop worldwide. I was really convicted today. Something really came over me, but it really made me cry to see souls giving their lives to Christ. It was amazing though just seeing people commit their lives to Christ.

"Commit thy ways unto the Lord, so shall thy thoughts be established." Proverbs 16:3

Looking over everything that is happening really makes me want to be a soul-winner in regard to being an Evangelist. I strongly believe that that is my calling. And I need to work so much to prepare myself for this great undertaking. I'm going to try to do everything that I can to seriously follow Proverbs 16:3. Oh, Lord, help me.

But the series of meetings went well. I was convicted to finally be attending them. They are going well, but I think Mrs. Finley is having a harder time connecting with the audience then with her class. It was nice though, I finally got to talk more with those are attending the meeting, and they are really enjoying it. At least I can say that confidently for a few people.

It was nice though, because the Filipino's came to the meeting, and we got to take some pictures together. They were also here for church, and it was nice to see them again.

Things are going good though…

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