Friday, October 12, 2007

Initially today didn’t seem so exciting. One thing I think needs to be confirmed though among the group that is working here is a better idea of the tasks that we are to do and how much, and who else is supposed to be doing the other tasks. I will just leave it at that.

This morning while I was eating and having devotions, Nathan informed me that the food that I was eating was from a box that was previously open, why didn’t anyone tell me? That’s just disgusting. So then Nathan took me to a Diner, where I guess the only thing for me to eat there was their Potato Fries, I didn’t have much of an appetite after eating the cereal.

After we were done eating I basically spent the rest of the day in my room. We talked about a few things and then he showed me some scenes from the TV show The Office. I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer going to watch Hero. It just doesn’t fit the criteria of Philippians 4:8. It is nice though, recently I have had those convictions that when I hear a verse it just automatically convicts me and the Lord in some instances are giving me instance victories. Other times it is not so easy. But all glory to God, I am still growing as a Christian.

Lunch was good, Nathan and I went to get some Pho. Afterwards he dropped me off at the Abrahamson Center, and then I walked to the library, and I stayed there until I had to be at the meetings. Its official I need new shoes. I don’t know when I’m going to get some though, but I need some shoes that will work better in the rain.

I believe the meetings went well. I was basically checking people in the whole time. It was cool after the meeting someone presented with me with a proposition and I really wanted to take it; but I am torn. I know that I will have to come to a set confirmation tomorrow, because I have to get back to this lady tomorrow. Then I was able to talk with my friend from Brazil for a little bit. But…

Oh Lord, the struggle of what shall I do next? Is this from you? Please reveal what I am to do. Oh, how I need to focus. I am preaching tomorrow, so these things will have to wait.

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