Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I’m back into routine, I woke up earlier and worked out. I can already tell that I’m getting stronger because I’m able to add a little more weight. “The Lord is my strength.” It is cool though because I am able to listen to the Bible on my iPod while I’m working out, so I’m getting a good incorporation of godly things into my mind.

Afterwards I came back, got ready, ate breakfast – sometimes I feel kind of bad, but not really, because they have devotions while I’m eating, but I have to be in and out of that house. The topic for devotions was over Romans 8:1-4; and it was hard to contain myself, so I actually spoke up this time because I did a Greek Exegetical paper on those verses a few years ago. It was good though.

At about 9 I was supposed to meet Diane at the church to help them with some network things on the computer, but they got it figured out so they didn’t really need me, so I just went online and talked with my dad.

Class was okay, afterwards they had their prayer session and I’ve determined to help out with the cooking as much as I can – that way I can really learn how to cook. I’m excited though, cause Evita is a great cook. I even included pictures today, because it was Asian.

Another really cool thing is that Little Lance is walking now. He walks on his own. I think I got the video loaded. What do you think?

When I was done eating I got a ride to the 295 and met Chris at the intersection to get on the freeway and rush to the study with Robert. It was a good study. We only got through a quarter of it, but he truly understood, so it was a profitable time. The study went well. Afterwards though, it was great, Chris dropped me off at the library, and now I have a good place to study. I have finally found a quite place to get away from everything and finally buckle down and concentrate and study. For those who don’t know, I have worked in a library for like 4 years (on and off, but including summers). I worked at the Thunderbird Library when I was in High School, I worked at the PUC Library, La Sierra Library, SWAU Library, and Southern Library. What can I say, I think the Lord thinks it may be good for me to work in libraries.

But afterwards the meetings went well. Then Hanif picked me up and I finally got my package that I’ve been waiting for. Its great, this program is so cool. But I’m going to get going. Till next time…

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