Monday, October 8, 2007

How did your weekend go?

There are just days when I do not want to really do anything. Its probably due to a number of things: the whether being at the top of the list – it was in the 50’s all day; second I had a hard time sleeping, even though I told someone that I was going to let them go so that I could sleep; and then just the feel that I don’t want to be here right now – I’m probably just homesick.

But class was okay. I guess I’m sitting in the back now, because Dr. Derose didn’t think I was back from my trip yet and is sitting where I was sitting. Its okay, either way, I’m still in class, haha. But after class I didn’t really pray with the rest of the group, kind of just kept to myself. The food was great though, if anything I really miss Evita’s food. She’s such a great cook. But afterwards I went and prayed by myself. It was good – I need to pray more.

At 3:30 Hanif and I went on our rounds for visitations. It was good, helped to lift up my spirits (in a non immortality of the soul kind of way). But it was good, there were several people who were interested in returning, and then there were others who just weren’t there, or they were not interested at all. But it basically took the whole day. We didn’t come back until 8 something. But I was so tired, so we didn’t work out. And initially I was going to work out tomorrow morning, but now its getting late – these phone calls, yeah… LoL.

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