Thursday, October 4, 2007

One Long Day

Well, I woke up and had a good devotional. I am still reading The Great Controversy. I’m in the chapter entitled Modern Revivals. It’s quite good. Actually I finished reading the chapter, because I really didn’t know what else to do. On an underlying note, I strongly believe that the Lord is leading my life. It is pretty cool, sometimes you wonder, sometimes you know.

Afterwards I went to the cafeteria at 8 to meet with Cha. Its good to know that I have friends in many places. I must say, I already miss my own breakfast. I didn’t eat anything, even though it was free for me. Well, I did get a Pina Colada smoothie. It was okay – it lasted me a long time.

When we were done we walked toward the James White Library, but on my way I saw Janrey Roa – a good friend from Academy. Wow, it had been years. He really doesn’t look that different, but its been over 6 years since I had last seen him. I think I look a bit different. I’m a little taller, even though it might be hard for many people to think that I was any shorter then I am now, but I’ve lost a lot of acne, and my weight is much better proportioned, I guess my hair is different too.

But we spent some time catching up, and then I went to the Administration building to go on a campus tour – nothing really applied to me, but now I know where everything is at Andrews. I then had a meeting with the financial advisor – they are trying to charge me with having to pay insurance, even though I won’t be a registered student in a program. So they were going back and forth on my situation. I must say, Andrews is very disorganized – expected better. But then I was like how about you direct me to the place for insurance and let me talk with them. So I went to talk with the lady who is in charge of that and showed her my military ID and she let me pass, so my worries on that are waived. How cool? The Lord always takes care of his people.

After that I had a meeting with Dr. O’Reggio, but he went to the hospital and my meeting was canceled, so I talked with another guy who had no knowledge of my situation. Basically I told him to just give me a schedule of what courses are going to be offered next semester and let me figure out my schedule, because I already know what I want to do. But obviously I said it much nicer. LoL. Before that though I met one of my other friends from PUC, good times, good times. I remember him from my freshman year – I was the only freshman brave enough to take Greek that year.

Well, at noon I didn’t know what to do, so I spend some time with Tim in the Religious Liberties office. After that I got hungry and went to the café, the food was a little better for lunch, I actually ate something. I was supposed to meet up with my friend, Genaida. We went to PUC together, she was a great friend then and still is now.

When I was done with lunch I rushed to another meeting. Basically I just talked with the lady, she was pretty cool. We seemed to talk more about the things that are happening in her life then about the things that about this campus. But then I went to the Seminary because I had a meeting with someone for the Ph.D. program. I am basically highly convicted that I am not going to do my Ph.D. at Andrews – their requirements just don’t add up with the program that I am actually interested in. I think the one that has grabbed my interest the most is Oxford University. I really need to start to prepare myself for getting accepted into their program.

When I was done with that I walked around a little bit talking to different people about working in different areas on campus, but then I found out that I am not aloud to work on campus because I will not be a student registered under a specific program at Andrews – I fully do not agree with that system, its okay though, the Lord will provide.

Some time later I saw Chad and Eric Washburn, the twins from the theology program at PUC. It was good to get to see them again. After we had talked for awhile they took me to the Siegfried Horn Archeological Museum. I talked with them about a possible job, this may be a possibility. We’ll see though.

I then walked to the ABC, and no job openings there either. But who knows? I did ask them about a few books that Dr. Finley said they should have. They didn’t have a single one. So I called him back and he recommended a few more books, all of which were also hard to find. I will have to go to the library tomorrow.

When I was done with that I went back to my room to just relax and called a few different people on the way. I also saw a house for rent and called the owner, he said that I can tour it anytime. So I think I will do that tomorrow too. I am sure that the Lord will also provide my housing.

I fell asleep for a little while and then I woke up to a phone call from Genaida. So we went to get something to eat from Beguitte’s. It was really good. I will so eat there in the future. We planned to go to the beach and just hang out, but we just went to her house. It was cool, I got to spend some time with her family. Her mom was also making some applesauce – it was really good. Afterwards we played ping pong for a while, the latter half of the time I was teaching her how to play and she got really good. I also got a phone call around that time.

But I eventually got back to my room and met with Janrey. For the first few minutes we just talked, but then he started to watch a Filipino movie, I think it was BCuz of U. So I decided to talk to my friend. We talked for a good while, but then she had to go, so I finished watching the movie. It was longer then I thought, but Janrey and I got to catch up for a while. We talked about Academy days a little bit, because we were looking through pictures that I have from back in the day.

Now its time to go to sleep…I don’t think that tomorrow is going to be much shorter.

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