Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sunset on Lake Michigan

Sabbath is always good. I must say, I almost don’t want to go back – but I know that I have to. Chris came over for breakfast, and man was I hungry, I actually ate more then anyone else. The food was pretty good though. I must admit, I miss Tim’s cooking. Good times at Southwestern will never be replaced though.

For church we went to the Fil-Am Michiana Church. Its always entertaining to me for people to find out that I’m actually Filipino, but the sermon was really good. Dr. DePrez preached (more taught) on Colossians 2:16 from a linguistic perspective about sabbath, feasts, etc. It was very well done. Quite impressive. I truly had never heard it from that angle.

After church we went back to the apartment and basically talked the afternoon away. It was good. I miss talking with the Perenich’s about godly things. For the closing of Sabbath we went to Lake Michigan and saw the sunset. I must say, it is quite nice. If I didn’t snow there I would so get a winter apartment there, but the only other thing would be the drive to Andrews everyday – which is really only about 15-20 minutes, but in the snow, I don’t know?! We actually closed the Sabbath with some friends from Southwestern. It was good to see them.

For dinner I got me a Quizno’s and we went back to the apartment. We talked for about an hour, and I realized that I have to get up at like 4:30 tomorrow morning. So this is going to have to be the end of this blog. Night!

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