Friday, October 5, 2007

Do You Speak Spanish?

Today I got up, had devotions, and then went to the café to eat with Janrey. The food was better – I actually found something to eat this time (maybe I’m just too picky, but I just want to follow the health message on this one). After we were don eating, we went to the Library and I went to research a little bit, but the internet wasn’t working on my computer so I went to ITS – Andrews officially has the worst internet services of any Adventist campus that I have ever visited. At ITS though, I met a Korean guy who is studying for his D.Min. He was really nice. I told him about some of my fascinations with Koreans, and then I told him that I was Filipino and remembered there being a lot of Koreans at AIIAS.

Afterwards, Janrey and I went back to the library to make sure that I got my research done. The bad thing is that they didn’t have any of the books, except for two, that Dr. Finley asked me to read – but those I found online, so I just ordered them. Then I decided to go to the ABC before they closed at 3. When I got there someone asked me, “Do you speak Spanish?” And I was like, “Uhh, no, well, muy pocito.” See I really don’t speak Spanish, I don’t even know how to spell things. But she kept persisting, so I tried to help her. She was wondering if the book that she was getting in English was the equivalent to the Spanish version. I think it was.

I was thinking of getting the Ellen White’s Writings CD for MAC, because this is the Spirit of Prophecy of month, so everything by Ellen White is on sale. But I don’t think that the CD works on the new MAC’s, so I decided not to get it, because I’m planning on getting a new MAC next year. So really all I got was the book entitled Prayer by Ellen White and then I got the [Re:]ally DVD that was just recently released.

Since I didn’t have anywhere else to go, I went to the Howard Performance Center and read a little bit, and then I worked some more online. I finally got a frequently flyer account for Northwest Airlines, that way I get some miles on my flight home. I was also to edit some things online. It was interesting though, I got to meet my friend Josh from Southwestern. I haven’t seen him in years. It was pretty cool.

A few hours later Tim finally picked me up, and we went to get some rice and eat at his house. I got to meet his friend Chris. Chris is a good guy. He went to Southern a few years ago, and now he’s doing an MA in Archeology at Andrews. It was good to get to know him better. We actually met a few years ago at Tim’s wedding.

We actually spent a long time talking, and now I know that I’m going to be tired tomorrow. So night.

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