Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dr. Derose taught class this morning. Afterwards we had prayer and then we ate. I must say, I am so thankful for Evita’s food. Maybe I will ask her if I can post recipes online. She seriously has made some of the best food that I have ever had. She’s a great cook.

Afterwards though I did not have much to do until the series, so I just came back and decided to work some more on my articles for Andrews. I am really excited about these articles. I hope that they will be a great blessing to the people. I’m nearly done with half of them. They are really coming along. I truly praise the Lord for these articles. I hope that they are straight from heaven, because if it were otherwise they would not be worthy for the people of God.

While writing, to be honest I was so tired. I had a hard time sleeping because I was wondering about things that are coming up. For instance I’m leaving for Michigan (Andrews) tomorrow. Basically I’m going there to check out the campus and make sure that everything for my registration process will go successful. I must say, its getting pretty expensive.

Recently, I have taken some serious considerations into taking a year off school before I got into a Doctoral program. I mean that’s going to be another three years of school, and I think I need a break to help save up some money and to just work some things out, otherwise.

The meeting’s went much better – especially for a Tuesday night. We had over 161 people come through. I know because I was a “scanner.” It’s amazing. Tonight’s topic was basically “If God is so good, why is there suffering?” Things went very well. But people were continually coming throughout the entire meeting, well, up until 8:00 so I didn’t really get to go into the meeting at all. But by the sound of it, things must have been going well.

Its time to sleep though. I am hoping to work out tomorrow. Today I didn’t workout at all. Till then…

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