Saturday, September 15, 2007

When the Spirit Falls

Thank you who prayed. I spoke at the Saco Seventh-day Adventist Church at 10 something this morning. Initially I felt like the sermon went really bad, and I mean really bad, but I just kept saying that it was alright. But only later would I learn that it was effective.

After I spoke I got to meet a Filipino family at the church. They were kind of excited. We exchanged information and hopefully will be in touch. Why does the question of being married, or in a relationship always come up? I’m single, LoL.

But we were able to get back to hear Dr. Finley speak at the Portland Church. It was good. The title was “When the Spirit Falls.” It was truly probably one of the best sermons that I have heard from Dr. Finley. I hope to get a copy of the message.

For lunch, Nathan and I came back to the house and tried to make some Phad Thai. We didn’t have all the ingredients, and I’m convicted not to make it unless I have nearly all the ingredients. But it was alright. At about 3 we went door-to-door, and it went really well. We were given 20 pamphlets to hand out, and we got 16 of them out. Probably the most for the amount that we had. And we only went down one street. The people on the street that we went were really nice. And I mean they were courteous and would say no thank you or whatever; but they wouldn’t just slam the door and be mean to us.

We came back to the church, but no one was really here. I guess we finished early, so we came back to the house and just relaxed for a little bit. We had a little bit for dinner, just a small snack more like it, but then we went to the archeology program. It was also really good. This is also where I found out that the sermon this morning was very effective, because I saw a good number and at least half of the Saco Church at the meeting. It was really good. Thank God, all glory be given to Him.

I also wanted to tell Dr. Hasel to tell everyone else I say, “hello” to the other Hasel’s. But everyone else seemed to want to talk to him. He famous, haha.

But now its time for sleep. If anything, the last few days I have truly been able to reflect a lot on this past year. I thank God so much. He has truly been leading, and in other instances I can see where I took things on myself. Lord forgive me.

Oh, pray for my friend, she's sick - again.

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