Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Signs of the Second Coming

Class got out and Chris and I had to really rush to get to the Bible study. We went over the signs of the second coming, and it went really well. He was actually really excited about the study. It went really well, until we got to the destruction of Jerusalem and the questions over Matthew 24:1,2. We eventually got past that, and had totaled our Bible study to over an hour. It was good. Maybe eventually I will post the studies online. They are done by Mark Finley, and are really well done.

Afterwards Chris and I did some visitations. We were inviting those who had media interests to go out to the archeology series that starts soon.

Then we picked up Don and came to the church. And went to the Daniel seminar. Well we stopped to a get some good Boba at the Thanh Thanh place on Forest Ave. Things are good.

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