Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today was just amazing. Devotions have really been good.

Nathan and I started memorizing scripture again. Were in 1 Peter 3:8ff. I'm really excited. But for devotions last night we read something really amazing in Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings. But this morning was also an amazing devotion, we decided to read Gospel Workers for our morning devotions together. But even before that...

I woke up at about 4. And I had difficulty going back to sleep. But eventually I did. I was just tired. Then I woke up at about 5 something and decided that I wasn't going to go back to sleep, so I started praying. And prayer was just extraordinary. I was just really excited. I just knew that today would be a good day.

I was able to read a good portion of Great Controversy and Nehemiah, so now I'm reading about the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem. It was just powerful. I think tomorrow I'm going to start waking up at 4 and working out because I'm not going to go anymore days without working out.

But we went to class, and then afterwards they had prayer time. I believe it went well. It was hard for me to get a good picture of it, but I tried. Afterwards though we ate a really good meal, thank God for Lance's wife. We also had a good desert too.

At about 1:45 Chris and I left because we had to give a study. It was a great study, Daniel 2. Its probably one of my favorite studies to give, because it is basically irrefutable. I think it went pretty well. The guy had a few questions, but it still went well. We told him to keep studying it, and if he still has questions next well, we'll go over them.

Afterwards we went to Whole Foods to talk to the person in charge of advertising. Were trying to get a kiosk at Whole Foods, because we just found out that we got permission to have one at the Maine Mall. How exciting?

After we could find the director we decided to go door to door, basically we survey the community and then invite them to one of the meetings that they are most interested in - Health, Archeology, or Bible Prophecy.

First it was Chris and I, then it was Hanif and I and we finished one street and then had to rush to the meeting this evening. We are supposed to log about 15 hours of Bible work a week. But we are really getting into this Bible work thing, its been a few years for me, but its like working out a muscle that you haven't worked out in a while, its hard at first but then it gets easier.

On the way back we stopped by an Asian market, so now I have a few more ingredients to make my Asian food. But the meeting tonight is on the longest time prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 8:14 - I just preached this sermon three months ago. Oh, and now I have wireless connection at the church, so I'll be able to check my e-mail a few days of the week in the morning.

Oh, I finally read an article from a while back, but I highly recommend it. Click here for the article.

Till tomorrow...

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