Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Portland Lighthouse

Today was quite interesting. It is really good to have Nathan back. He is actually a very good brother to watch my back. Now I also don’t have to feel like I have to take charge of everything. I finished another chapter in Great Controversy and now I’m about half way through Nehemiah. So devotions were quite good this morning.

Got to class on time; but class today was great, it was called “Launching Out Into the Deep.” I think I am going to try to post my notes online. It was just a great class. We had some really inspiring quotes such as these:

Evangelism, p. 389
• “I know of no place where there is a greater need for a rebuilding of the first works than in Boston and in Portland, Maine, where the first messages were given in power, but where now there is but a little handful of our people.”
• “Now the time has come when the message of the third angel is to be proclaimed
Letter 28, 1910
• “Portland, Maine, a city that has been foremost in temperance reform, is to be worked without delay.”
• There are towns in Maine, like Brunswick and Bangor, that must be worked faithfully. All through the cities and towns of the East, the truth is to shine
Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 13, pp. 12-16
• “The Lord will work with power, as we strive to do our part faithfully. He will cause Boston (Portland) to hear the message of present truth.”
• Who in the East have been burdened to take up the work of going over the ground that in the early days of the message was baptized with the truth of the Lord’s soon coming.”
• “The light has been given that the truth should go again to the Eastern States where we first began our work, and where we had our fist experiences. We must make every effort to spread a knowledge of the truth to all who will hear, and there are many who will listen…”
• “Repeat the message, repeat the message…

It was just a powerful class. After class Lance’s wife made some really good vegan food. It was really good. I would get so fat if I ate that kind of food everyday, it just tasted so good, but it wasn’t overbearing.

At about 3 we met to go door to door, but it took some time, so we didn’t leave until about 4:30 and we only were out for about an hour and half. When we pulled over I took a quick picture and noticed that some of the places didn’t have really brick. Look at the picture closely below. We had some interesting experiences – such as we met someone who probably had too much to drink. He was yelling at us nearly the whole time. But his friend seemed to be quite interested in the information, he actually asked me to write the date and information about the topics. So I hope to see him there.

Afterwards, we went to the Portland Lighthouse, thanks to Karen. I also got to talk to her father on the phone. It was great. It was actually really inspiring. I really enjoyed it. There’s just something about Lighthouses for me. I just like to see them though. I guess the area that we went to used to be a Fort.

When we got back I was so exhausted, but I really wanted to sleep at a good time and not wake up in the middle of the night and have some issues in regard to waking up the next morning, so I read as much as I could. Nathan and I were both getting really hungry. It was good we go to talk in the afternoon, so we were both able to get to bed earlier.

Evening devotions were good. We read more from Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings. I realized later that I had been telling everyone that we had been reading another book. But it was good.

Anyway, now it’s about 9:30 or 10:00 time for bed. I’m exhausted.

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