Saturday, September 29, 2007

I arrived for Sabbath School and no one was there to teach, so I was voted to teach SS again. I think it went quite well. A man from Africa was visiting and we befriended each other - he is one of the board members of the Hope Channel. It was good to have him for SS. The sermon was also quite good - probably the best one that I have heard so far from Pastor Carter.

Afterwards I cooked myself some good Udon and ate it with some Seaweed. It was really good. Thank God that Robert took me to the Korean market on Thursday and my mom sent me some food. There is just nothing like eating your native (or at least Asian) food. I am very grateful. For the afternoon time seemed to fly because Lance came over and invited me to do invitations with him. We went around Westbrook; I think it went well.

By the time that we returned we basically had to get ready for the meetings, got to the meetings and it went much better then the first night. I felt bad for the sound guy, please pray for him, he gets to listen to an entire evangelistic series - the Lord must be moving on his heart. And we have had a few times to talk. I think I might ask him if he wants to hang out some time. But the meetings went well, until I realized that I don't think that I recorded them. Something went wrong with the recorder. I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. The only bad thing about these meetings is that we are going to be getting back at around 9:30-10, which is when I'm usually getting to bed.

Have you ever watched the movie Lean on Me? It is probably one of my favorites, and I had a hard time sleeping so I decided to watch the movie - it was very inspiring, but I should get some more rest.

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