Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thank God we don’t have classes on Sunday’s anymore. I think we might have a few more later, but no more for now. But bad thing is that since I stayed up later and watched Lean on Me I’m not as motivated today. But I did data entry for nearly 4 or 5 hours. Data entry is basically typing in all the information that we have for people who have registered for the meetings. It was really good. Thank God that I have a gift in quick data entry. It reminded me of the days where I did data entry for years at Thunderbird Academy – oh the days have changed.

We also had a great lunch it was like from all over South America – El Salvadorian food was the main types of dishes, but it was really good. Afterwards we went back to Data entry and I typed in over 170 (at least) people. Thank God or else we would have been there all day. One thing that has really made me see things better about this evangelistic series is the type of organization that has to take place to make sure that things run smoothly. I really want to talk to Mrs. Finley about using/having the program. It’s simple but it’s a powerful resource. It is all due to this guy named Rob who works for Microsoft in CA. We really connected – its probably that West Coast connection.

Afterwards, worked out, and got dressed for the series. It was much better tonight. I was able to get some good advice on how to have more confidence. The series went much better today, the topic was Signs on the Second Coming. It went much better. It just went a bit long. Some people even walked out.

Till tomorrow…

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I arrived for Sabbath School and no one was there to teach, so I was voted to teach SS again. I think it went quite well. A man from Africa was visiting and we befriended each other - he is one of the board members of the Hope Channel. It was good to have him for SS. The sermon was also quite good - probably the best one that I have heard so far from Pastor Carter.

Afterwards I cooked myself some good Udon and ate it with some Seaweed. It was really good. Thank God that Robert took me to the Korean market on Thursday and my mom sent me some food. There is just nothing like eating your native (or at least Asian) food. I am very grateful. For the afternoon time seemed to fly because Lance came over and invited me to do invitations with him. We went around Westbrook; I think it went well.

By the time that we returned we basically had to get ready for the meetings, got to the meetings and it went much better then the first night. I felt bad for the sound guy, please pray for him, he gets to listen to an entire evangelistic series - the Lord must be moving on his heart. And we have had a few times to talk. I think I might ask him if he wants to hang out some time. But the meetings went well, until I realized that I don't think that I recorded them. Something went wrong with the recorder. I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. The only bad thing about these meetings is that we are going to be getting back at around 9:30-10, which is when I'm usually getting to bed.

Have you ever watched the movie Lean on Me? It is probably one of my favorites, and I had a hard time sleeping so I decided to watch the movie - it was very inspiring, but I should get some more rest.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Not So Graceful

We didn’t have class today, because we had the evangelistic series starting tonight. Its exciting, but the only thing is that we had a lot of work to do. Nathan and I came a little late because we got a little something to eat.

But we got there and things were nearly in full sway. We got it recorded on tape, DVD, mp3, CD, VHS and were going to have the first podcasted evangelistic series. How exciting! I wanted to have everything up-to-date with technology because we are working with some of the most high tech equipment that I have ever worked with. I guess I could say that the first night didn’t go as I expected; but it is her first time. There were a lot of disappointed people – for instance my contact didn’t seem too interested in coming back.

Afterwards I drove back, because Nathan took Stacey (who is camping here for the weekend), and now its time for bed.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Are you Chinese? Korean?

Today was really interesting. Since it is my day off I invited Robert, the person that I mentioned in the previous blog to eat out with me. We were to meet at the McDonalds down the street; but before that was to happen, I had some other things to take care of in regards to my schooling – I have to get my transcripts sent to Andrews from Southern and PUC ASAP, that’s the only thing that’s missing from my acceptance process. That took a while, but the faxes were sent, I think/hope.

Well, I met up with him at about 1ish and we ate at what has become one of my favorite Thai Restaurants in the world, it is really good. I got my regular Pad Thai with no fish sauce, and totally forgot to ask for no eggs (because one of the Thai restaurants that I usually eat at doesn’t put eggs if I say “vegetarian”) and I also got some good Sesame Tofu. This place is highly recommended by Malcolm Douglas. I would tell you that it’s on Forest Ave. in Portland, ME; but there are a few others on Forest, I’ll have to get the address and such. Our conversation was good. For a quick summary: Malcolm needs more confidence! Oh, and that they thought that I was Chinese.

Afterwards Robert offered to take somewhere if I needed or wanted to go anywhere and since I don’t have a car I asked him if it would be okay to go to this Korean store in Downtown Portland on Congress. So off we went and after a few missed turns and traffic and construction we eventually got there. And the lady wondered if I was Korean, I get that every now and then. But the lady told me that she was half Korean/half American – a combination that I rarely see.

One of the most amazing things though, on our way there and around town, Robert was just amazed at how providential our meeting was. For instance, he is the only person that I am consistently giving studies too, and oft times we go over things over and over and discuss several Bible texts – interestingly the Lord seems to have placed us at the right moment for such a time as this. He said that he’s going to most likely make it out to the meetings that start tomorrow. Those are the highlights, now we have a pre-run for tomorrow night.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

You Go First

Today Mrs. Finley was back for class. It’s good to have her back. But after prayer and lunch we went to our contact’s house for a Bible study and it went just amazingly well. I was so impressed by it.

At nearly 3 Chris had to go to another study, but we weren’t done with the current one; so I told Chris that he should go and I’ll just stay and it worked out really well. We got him pre-registered for the Revelation Seminar’s that are starting this Friday at the University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus at 7 PM in the Abrahamson Center – so if you can you should go too!

But since we were able to spend some time together I really got to talk with him and the conversation went really well. He really opened up to me and told me something that happened to him this week. He said that his landlord told him that if he didn’t cut his grass than he had to move out, so he got a new lawnmower and something went wrong and it started to spurt out oil. And he tried for a while to fix it but it just wasn’t happening so he stopped. Sometime later he prayed, “Lord if you want me to live here then start the lawnmower.” And he went back and it immediately started. He was just amazed that the Lord actually listened to him. He was so excited, it was just a great experience. We really connected. I was very excited for him and he’s been asking himself “why not” give his life to Christ. So please keep him in prayer, he really needs it, he is truly searching. I’m excited because tomorrow were going to eat out – Thai Food.

Well afterwards we went to his works and Chris came to pick me up at the airport – thank God I’ve gotten back into shape. But I came back and spent the rest of the time just relaxing at the house – I finally got to talk with my mom which is good. And then I really wanted to talk to a lot of my friends, but it seemed like it just wasn’t working so I was praying and then I finally thought that I should call my cousin and suddenly he called me.

I was like, “Mike I was just about to call you.” He said, “really? You go first then.” And I said, “No, you go first,” and he responded, “Well, mine is about a girl, so you go first.” Then I said, “So is mine, so you go first.” Haha, LoL. Good times. We worked out the GYC thing so its for sure that he’s going to go. Praise the Lord, its going to be great. And were driving up together, so were going to have a lot of things to talk about.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Graceful Roll

Today was just packed, but not really. Work out was good - I'm actually seeing and feeling results. I think I have a routine down for now.

Nathan did worship, it was good - He read a lot from Early Writings, by Ellen White. It was good. It was hard for me to figure out which he was reading from Early Writings or Last Day Events because they are so similar.

Karen taught for class and then the Pastor taught (really talked) the second class. It was interesting - we need people just as much as they need us. I arrived late for lunch because I saw that someone took out $350 from my checking account - that's a lot of money to just go somewhere. I wondered "Wow, where did that come from?" So I called my bank and they were very helpful, they sent me a copy of the check. I have a cool bank, I went onto my account online and I saw the actual check - but I couldn't make out check - it said Shane H or something like that. And it was written April 4; but when did I write a check for something like that? Shane who? So I wondered in the back of my mind the rest of the day.

After lunch I went to University of Southern Maine, Portland and worked at the booth that we have there. I'll fully admit that this is not my gift, but the Lord blessed otherwise because we got the first person every pre-registered for the Evangelistic series that starts this Friday. So it was good. It was kind of funny because I was like man I'm really not good at this; but then all of a sudden someone came up and I got some guts and next thing you know it they are pre-registering. It was our first pre-registration, so the Lord truly blessed. It was also really cool, I bought a copy of yesterday's paper and found this...

We stayed there for about 3 hours and then I came back and to tell you the truth I just wanted to relax so as I was waiting for Nathan to come back I just chilled. When he came back we talked about future hopes and aspirations. Then we watched the movie Glory. It is probably one of the best movies that I had ever seen. It was powerful. Nathan was relating how Tim, Sherod, Miguel, and himself watched this movie at Southwestern and they felt like the blacks who followed this general to battle during the Civil War - they were not only fighting for the right, but for lives. The allegory is just amazing.

It was then that I was praying and all of a sudden it hit me, I know what I wrote that check for - it was ShareHim.

Nathan shared this quote with me earlier, I thought I would add it here:
"There can be no true conversion without the giving up of sin"
-Manuscript 36, 1870

Monday, September 24, 2007

Letter Recieved

Nathan and I decided that we were going to really get into the motion of working out. So he woke me up at 6 and we worked out for only an hour. It was good though. I needed it. When we got back I had good devotions, ate, read some more and just seemed to accomplish a lot.

Worship was done by Eric and Hanif; it has been suggested that at least two people be in charge of worship from morning to morning. Afterwards we went to class and Dr. Derose taught us about Diabetes. I seriously felt like I was back in Nutrition.

We prayed and then had a great lunch. Dr. Derose sat by me, and we were able to talk. I asked him about AMEN (Adventist Medical Evangelism Network); because I figured that he would definitely be involved with that. But he was impressed that I knew about the organization; but then I told him that I really wanted to be a doctor. I don't think that he will have me to be that kind of doctor. I spent quite a bit of time thinking over what I am going to be doing next year. Looking over different programs that I should probably start to apply for. I am still very sure that things will work out.

Nathan and I went to the Gorham USM Campus. It is pretty nice. To tell you the truth I felt like I was back at PUC or something. But Nathan and I had a good conversation about my future. When we arrived though, the person who we had to meet with was not there; but no waste, now we know where the campus is at. I guess I am supposed to go back there on Thursday, but then I remembered later that I was supposed to go out to eat with one of my contacts. I hope that he can pick me up, haha.

When we got back then I really started to read. It was a good read. I was able to think through some things that were written in Evangelism, and though I have read the book a few times this year, it is still quite convicting and moving.

Oh, I also started to write articles for when I attend Andrews. I was asked by the editor of the Religious section to write articles. So I want to write them now and have them polished and ready by the time that they are needed. Maybe I will post the articles here or something. I wrote the first one, and I think that the Lord really gave me that article to write. They are going to be a series of articles entitled, "Why Not?"

I guess a lot of things happened today. Dr. Hasel told me that my application has been submitted, I will definitely pray about that. Thank you once again.

I'm having a hard time sleeping again, but I've decided that I'm going to read, so I should go. Going to work out earlier tomorrow.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Its always odd for me to have class on a Sunday morning, but that was this morning. It was a great class though. Dr. Finley is a good teacher. We went over things to do to make a Bible study successful and answering objections - the secret rapture.

After class we prayed, ate, then the Finley's quickly ate and left. We are seriously so blessed to have such good food. Nathan and I debated doing Bible work, but then we both fell asleep while reading. I think he probably read more, its just hard for me to read while I'm really tired. We decided to take the day off and read and do some errands.

We decided to get some food, so we went to BJ's, got a membership, and got a lot of food. After spending the whole afternoon getting food, we decided to get a smoothie, but they were closed again. So we went to the Vietnamese restaurant again to get a smoothie, but in order to use credit card you have to spend more then $10, so we decided to just eat there. Aww, good food, I really like Pho (vegetarian of course).

For some reason, I am not able to sleep. I think its because I took a nap and have a horrible bed. But I need to try again. I think I'm thinking too much again. So I'm going to talk to the Shepard.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It was a busy Sabbath.
I actually went to the prayer time that we have from 8:30-9:30; but I didn't arrive until 8:50 or so. At 9:30 I did Sabbath School; it was over Hosea and Gomer. I felt really odd talking to all these married couples about relationships - haha, I'm single and have been for a while.
Dr. Finley spoke for the divine service. It was really good, "Now is the Time," was the title. He really appealed to the church to be active while we can in North America. There are many other countries where we cannot worship like we worship in the NAD (North American Division).
During the service, Stacey came in to visit Nathan. We had a good meal.
Afterwards I went for a walk and ended up talking with Tim for quite some time. I am quite excited about going to Andrews in a few weeks here. I think probably more because I haven't been anywhere in a while. But just a week and a half and I'll be there.
Tonight was our last night for the Archeology lecture. We probably had the least amount of people, but we still had another 20-25 people sign up for the Revelation seminar. It was good though and I was able to take a few more pictures. We sold 70 of the 100 DVD's that I made and it was just overall a good night.
Mrs. Finley found out that I had take some pictures of the lectures and throughout my time here and requested that I take some for her and during her meetings. What do you think, did the pictures turn out okay?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Lance! (And Dr. Hasel)

Today Dr. Hasel taught class - mainly dealing with Military warfare and the time of Isaiah's ministry. It was a good class. Dr. Finley talked with us about church growth principles in relation to John 2-6. Meeting the different needs of people - social, spiritual, mental, and physical. It was a very powerful study. I will truly treasure those notes.

After class we had a good prayer session and then had some great food. But before we ate, we sang "Happy Birthday..." to Lance and Dr. Hasel. Thank God for good food.

I was supposed to meet with one of the local pastor's in the area to work on the e-handbill, basically the online preregistration. But we never got together, so I ended up organizing all the literature material.

Afterwards it was basically time to go for the meeting, but I spent a little time trying to cut my hair. It still needs some work, maybe I'll fix it on Sunday or something. Then we went to the meeting early because we had to usher people into a different auditorium. I think we probably lost some people because of that. It was interesting though, because we still have about 159 people preregistered for the Revelation meetings. The meeting went really well, it was entitled In the Footsteps of Jesus.

But now its getting late and I'm doing Sabbath School tomorrow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Goodbye Good Cooking

Though Thursday is supposed to be our day off, I probably spent the most time working this day. Since 9:30 or so I have been working on DVD's for the Archeology program. I was able to accomplish a lot though: I sent a letter off, finally ate at the Thai restaurant that everyone has recommended to me on Forest Ave., finished making the 100 DVD's, called Andrews and am in the process of making a trip out to Michigan (how exciting, MI and FL are the only states in the US I have not been to). Basically I spent most of my time getting the Andrews thing figured out, it was a bit frustrating, so I'm just going to fly there - especially since I finally got permission from Mrs. Finley to miss a few days of class.

That afternoon I spent a great deal of my time helping set up for the last day of the cooking class. I was also able to spend some time talking with Dr. Finley working out some kinks with regard to my course work here. I was also able to talk with Dr. Hasel and he admitted to me that my request for Independent study has not yet been turned in. This is not good, but I am assured that things will work out.

I decided to watch the last cooking class in the main sanctuary, the food was really great. When I move to MI I will have to seriously cook for myself. The samples were large enough to be a meal; but it was so good.

It's time for sleep now though.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Speak about waking up early, I got up at 4:30 this morning and ran to the gym. When I got there I was determined to work out for at least an hour. I ran back, took a shower, and had one of the most amazing devotions I have had. I finished reading the book of Ester, the only book in the Bible that never mentions God. I then read a good chapter from The Great Controversy entitled The Holy of Holies. It was powerful, explaining the investigative judgment. Are you ready my friend? Am I?
I decided after that that it would be good to have a good hearty breakfast and then I read some from Dr. Hasel’s book, Military Practice and Polemic. Its really good. I think I’m going to enjoy it.
Class was taught by Dr. Derose. Prayer was amazing and the food was great, especially the dessert. We quickly went to the study and I’m just going to quote what I wrote someone today: “today, we met with a man who is battling giving his life to the Lord. He is seriously struggling and could use all the prayers that one could provide. Please pray for him…” The study lasted two hours and I came back late for my work here at the conference office.
I am currently copying all the discs for the Discoveries of a Lifetime: A Fascinating Journey Through the Lands of the Bible, by Mark Finley, D.Min. and Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D. This is going to be the first release. I am making a hundred DVD’s at a time. It’s exciting. I want to get some for friends too. It’s seriously really good. I think you should be able to order it on the Hope Channel website. Check it out.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Situational Bible Study

This morning I woke up and wanted to work out, but I was like, "5 more minutes." That turned into an hour. I woke up at 7, prayed a good time. It was a good prayer time. I took a shower and finished reading the book James White:Innovator and Overcomer. As I read the last chapter I cried. There was just something about reading those last words from the life of a man who truly changed a whole denomination. His life was remarkable. Maybe later I will place some words from the book online.

I then went for a walk in the woods and decided that I should review some scriptures. It was a good time alone. I then went to class and helped to set up a little and discovered to my amazement some new things on Facebook.

Class was interesting. We had a situational Bible study. For some reason I really thought that this would be good to record, so I got some clips on my camera. It was just funny. I think you will enjoy them too.

Now I'm at the mall, because we have free internet here. They finally got the video's at the kiosk. It looks a bit better, but they seriously need to get rid of the flowers and put up a bigger poster.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ring Ring

Today was just tiring. I was just so tired, and we figured it out. We haven’t had a break in over a week and a half. No days off, especially the Sabbath. It’s just been tiring. So no matter what, we are going to take Thursday off, because it is our day off.

Dr. Derose taught the class, he sounds so much like Dr. Mills. I don’t know, it was just probably because I was tired and his voice just became a soothing voice; but I didn’t fall asleep. I just wasn’t all there. After class though we prayed, and I had some good food.
Afterwards we had to set up a lot of the things for the cooking class. I ended up staying at the church nearly the whole afternoon setting up for the meeting tonight and finishing some things for a survey that we planned on having, but since I didn’t get all the information until the last minute I wasn’t able to complete it. But were going to have it on Thursday, so it wasn’t all a waste of time.

I was ready to go to sleep at 8:30; but the samples from the cooking school looked so good that I wanted to stay and eat some. So I ended up staying. Then when we got to the house, I really wanted to sleep, but I was determined to finish reading a book in which I only had a few pages, but then Nathan and I got into a deep conversation. Then I got a call from my cousin, TJ; and then I started to read again, and then I got a call from a friend. It seemed so random; but then I came back and was just ready to sleep. But then Nathan and I stayed up talking about good spiritual things. It was like a rededication of my life to God. It was very good. We went over the beatitudes together, and it was really convicting. Thank you Lord.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh, how I wanted to work out this morning, but since we didn’t have class on Thursday – instead we had meetings – we had class this morning. I need to start working out again. I don’t want to go more then four days without working out. But class was great. Dr. Finley taught class, and it was just amazing. I seriously think that I will post my notes someday. Probably when they are more complete. But we had a great lunch. I even decided to take pictures this time. Maybe I’ll post them later.

After lunch, I found out that my friend is doing better. That’s good, can’t miss class. But Nathan and I went to the Freeport Outlets, Malcolm needs a good jacket. So I got a 3-in-1 jacket from L.L. Bean. Thank God. I heard that L.L. Bean is like the best store to get a jacket from, since they have a lifetime warranty. Isn’t that cool? That's the jacket that I got down below, but I think I think it looks darker in person. It was one of the only one's in small. What can I say, I'm Asian. But I’m really trying to keep my spending to a minimum, which isn’t too hard without a car to drive around. Basically we spent the whole day getting things done, just tasks that needed to be done around the house.

So we went to Wal-Mart, even though I’m a Target person, and got some cleaning supplies, and Nathan and I cleaned the bathroom; did laundry, I got to talk with the owners (they’re Vietnamese, but the guy lived in the Philippines for a little bit); and then we got some Boba. After that we came back and read. Then Nathan did devotions, it was good. That’s the simple sum.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

When the Spirit Falls

Thank you who prayed. I spoke at the Saco Seventh-day Adventist Church at 10 something this morning. Initially I felt like the sermon went really bad, and I mean really bad, but I just kept saying that it was alright. But only later would I learn that it was effective.

After I spoke I got to meet a Filipino family at the church. They were kind of excited. We exchanged information and hopefully will be in touch. Why does the question of being married, or in a relationship always come up? I’m single, LoL.

But we were able to get back to hear Dr. Finley speak at the Portland Church. It was good. The title was “When the Spirit Falls.” It was truly probably one of the best sermons that I have heard from Dr. Finley. I hope to get a copy of the message.

For lunch, Nathan and I came back to the house and tried to make some Phad Thai. We didn’t have all the ingredients, and I’m convicted not to make it unless I have nearly all the ingredients. But it was alright. At about 3 we went door-to-door, and it went really well. We were given 20 pamphlets to hand out, and we got 16 of them out. Probably the most for the amount that we had. And we only went down one street. The people on the street that we went were really nice. And I mean they were courteous and would say no thank you or whatever; but they wouldn’t just slam the door and be mean to us.

We came back to the church, but no one was really here. I guess we finished early, so we came back to the house and just relaxed for a little bit. We had a little bit for dinner, just a small snack more like it, but then we went to the archeology program. It was also really good. This is also where I found out that the sermon this morning was very effective, because I saw a good number and at least half of the Saco Church at the meeting. It was really good. Thank God, all glory be given to Him.

I also wanted to tell Dr. Hasel to tell everyone else I say, “hello” to the other Hasel’s. But everyone else seemed to want to talk to him. He famous, haha.

But now its time for sleep. If anything, the last few days I have truly been able to reflect a lot on this past year. I thank God so much. He has truly been leading, and in other instances I can see where I took things on myself. Lord forgive me.

Oh, pray for my friend, she's sick - again.

Friday, September 14, 2007

You know what the church needs?

Class was great today. Dr. Hasel taught the first section, and to be honest I learned a lot; probably more then I have learned prior to this point here in Portland. Not to discredit what I have learned from others, but nearly everything that I have had in the other lectures, I have already had in greater detail this past summer in my evangelism courses. But class was great! I’m thinking of actually posting my notes online. We’ll see how I feel about that idea later on in the next few months.

For the second section, Dr. Finley was supposed to teach the course, but we had some things to get done before the opening of the Archeology series tonight. It was good though, I got to catch up with Dr. Hasel, and then I got things worked out for my MA courses at Southern. Probably one of the most remarkable things that happened was that I finally figured out the things that I need to do to get my credits for the Southern program. Thank you Dr. Hasel and Dr. Finley.

Independent Study Course Title: Urban Ministry & Evangelism
The content and method of the study undertaken will be: (The following is in the actual handwriting of Dr. Finley) A synopsis of the Church Growth Principles in the Book of Acts in the light of first century culture with application to the Post-modern Mind. Malcolm is immersed in all facets of the Discoveries Series in Portland, Maine – evangelistic outreach.
Instructor: Mark Finley – Adjunct Professor of Evangelism for Graduate Studies.

How exciting does that sound?
Dr. Finley was like, “Malcolm, you know what the church needs? You know what I need? I need someone to figure out how the church in the book of Acts was able to grow; because the first century Christians faced the same things we are facing today. They were post-modern. That’s what the church needs.” So that is going to be my research paper for the time that I am here in Portland. My Bible work will be minimized to 8 hours a week, but I will still be very busy. I think I may use this paper as a pre-work to a Master’s thesis paper.

We had a good prayer session after class, and then we had a good lunch; but I forgot that I was supposed to meet with this Filipino lady. She wanted to take me around Portland for a little bit. It was nice. I had some good Pancit (a Filipino noodle dish). We went to some park, but I don’t remember what it was called, but I got some pictures.

Afterwards I quickly got dressed for tonight’s Archeology program. The program was great! I think it went very well, and I actually learned quite a bit. I hope that I can podcast it later. We’ll see. I also got some good shots of that took.

Thank God for the Sabbath! Oh, I’m preaching in the morning, pray for me!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Free Wireless Internet

Today was pretty busy, but not so much.

Hanif and I were at the kiosk at the Maine Mall for quite a few hours. One good thing is that Hanif is really good at working at the kiosk. He could get things into people’s hands easily. But it was funny, he would say, “Do you know where USM is?” And they would say, “Yeah;” thinking that he was asking for directions, but then he would say, “I just wanted to invite you to an event that’s coming up…” It was funny. We seriously need to get the video up, but one cool thing that I found out at the end of our time there, there is free wireless internet in the Maine Mall. Remember that people. FREE WIRELESS INTERNET! That’s important to a person who doesn’t have internet where they live now.

But afterwards Hanif and I went to the gym. Man, my abs really hurt. But I can tell that I’m loosing weight around my stomach, but I’ve gained weight somewhere else, because I checked my weight when I first got here and I’ve already got a few more pounds.

Then we went to the Cooking class. It was pretty good, good breakfasts. Dr. Hasel was there, so we got to do some catching up. Ah, good times…

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Signs of the Second Coming

Class got out and Chris and I had to really rush to get to the Bible study. We went over the signs of the second coming, and it went really well. He was actually really excited about the study. It went really well, until we got to the destruction of Jerusalem and the questions over Matthew 24:1,2. We eventually got past that, and had totaled our Bible study to over an hour. It was good. Maybe eventually I will post the studies online. They are done by Mark Finley, and are really well done.

Afterwards Chris and I did some visitations. We were inviting those who had media interests to go out to the archeology series that starts soon.

Then we picked up Don and came to the church. And went to the Daniel seminar. Well we stopped to a get some good Boba at the Thanh Thanh place on Forest Ave. Things are good.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today was pretty packed. Devotions have been quite good. Class was interesting. Lunch was good, as always. But I guess the big things that happened today were that we went to the Abramson Community Center, that is the location for the upcoming meetings. The location is really cool. It is very up-to-date. It seats about 500, and now I have been assigned to be in charge of the audio-visual equipment during the meetings. The first one is going to be this Friday night at 7:30 PM. "Amazing Discoveries in Archeology." I will have to put pictures up later. Dr. Hasel and Dr. Finley will be the presenters, how exciting.

Afterwards, we went to the Maine Mall, and set up our kiosk. It's pretty cool. Nathan and I were there for a few hours. It was actually pretty tiring, and pretty disappointing. But the set up had to be in the rain. Well, we had to bring everything in through the rain. It was just really poring down today. But the kiosk looked pretty good. Were going to get some flat screen on the sides play archeology and health DVD's.

When we finally got really tired, Nathan and I went to Lens Crafters so that I could get my glasses fixed. I think I'm going to have to get a new pair of prescriptions and contacts or glasses pretty soon. Maybe I'm reading too much?

Then Nathan and I went to the gym, came back. Had devotions, and then got too tired for anything else.

A little note: one of my friends drove me around today, and I guess it just wasn't his day. I'll leave it at that.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cooking Courses Kickoff

Were back in class. It was Jerman's birthday today. So we had some vegan carrot cake, it was really good. For those of you who didn't know this about me, my favorite cake, and really the only one that I like to eat is carrot cake. But most of the day was in serious preparation for the vegetarian cooking classes that start tonight. It was exciting, because the person, who actually said that they would come, came. We spent about two hours going around downtown handing out flyer's and inviting people to the meeting tonight. It was really exciting, but the people that told me that they would come, didn’t come, unless they actually signed up.One interesting note, for those of you who don’t know, I have a really hard time doing this. But somehow about half way through I was just getting a lot of flyers into people’s hand. Initially I was the person who was replacing posters that got taken down or covered up. After about an hour and a half we went to the Boba place, but it was probably the worst Boba that I’ve ever had. I was so excited too.

It was pretty cool to see Dr. Finley again. He flew from Africa, and had been awake for over 22 hours, but he helped out the cooking school. It was really good. We learned how to make whole wheat good bread. The samples were really good too.

After we dropped off the girl who came, we went to get food because we are really lacking some food. But we should be good for a little longer now. We eventually got back at about 10:30. Time for sleep; I’m exhausted.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday..."

Today was convicting. There are some thing in my life that the Lord has made so plain that I need to work on – really just having more dependence on Him and more real faith. I spent a great amount of the day in personal prayer and a lot of reading.

In order to have a holistic fulfillment of the day I also did a good work out. I really need to spend some more time at the gym. I’m going to make that a serious commitment. I would also feel really guilty knowing that I paid $100 something dollars for and not work out.

About 7:00 we went to a birthday party of one of my neighbors. It was really fun. But when it got a little haywire, it was time to go. I’m am definitely not into the whole hard beat and dancing scene, I’m an Adventist, so what can I say? It was fun to just spend time with friends who are not Adventist. They even asked my friend Chris to pray over the meal.

After that I just read some more and went to sleep.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Happy Sabbath!

Today was pretty exciting. I got to Sabbath School; I don’t plan on missing again. It was over David and Bathsheba. When I got there, the teacher wasn’t there, so I was getting ready teach. The sermon was on Ezekiel 37, which is one of my favorite chapters – I remember preaching on that. There is a lot of good stuff in that chapter.

In the afternoon Chris and I went door-to-door with Lance, Michael, and Jerman. It was good; we went to the “ghetto.” Not that Portland really has a ghetto, but we went into the not so good parts of Portland. It was cool. I actually got to meet quite a few Asians. They were either Vietnamese or Cambodian. I knew the Vietnamese one’s, but it’s hard for me to tell the Cambodians. It was good though, we really got to converse with them, and they also told me where there is a Boba Tea place around here.

The best part that really made my day is that we got someone signed up for the cooking classes that we are starting on Monday. I said that I would pay for her, cause I really wanted to leave all doubt of why they shouldn’t attend. She’s a 14-year-old Sudanese girl. I expect her to go, because we actually pre-registered her.

Afterwards, we went to Lance’s house. It was nice. The original plan was for me to go to Chris’ house to watch the Revive, Here We Stand, series that is happening in Lansing, MI. We had sundown worship and had everything hooked up to the Internet, through the computer, and then to the TV. It was pretty cool. The food was great. Mrs. Wilbur is a great cook, she’s also very well educated about some parts of Asian culture.

Afterwards, we basically came back and went to sleep.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sometimes I feel like certain days I may have just wasted away. Today was my day off and I was just so exhausted, I thing one of the biggest things is the heat though. I really slept in, but this morning I met with the Pastor and we went to the Maine Mall, because we have been able to get a Kiosk for the things that are going to be happening here in Portland. What a PRAISE!!!

I was so excited, it really reminded me of those days when I worked at J. Crew. I was so quick to volunteer; I was like “oh, I want to do that.” But we decided to set up on Tuesday because we were not able to get all the material from Hope Channel. This is just so exciting.

Afterwards, I really felt bored; it was just so hot so I didn’t want to study. But nearly the whole group went home, so one of them is letting me use their car, so I kind of drove around a little bit.

Initially, Chris and I were planning on going rock climbing, but that didn’t fall though, because it was $27 for just a one-time kind of thing. I think I’m going to try to get a membership in my last month here, because then my 3 months at the gym will expire. But then we thought about kayaking, but then that was $45. It seems like everything around here is really expensive. Maybe another time…

Eventually I just went to Chris’ house and we watch 3ABN. It was really good. David Asscherick was speaking, and it gave me so many ideas for the evangelistic series that I am planning on speaking in Africa next year. I am so excited. I’m going to use Keynote. I really need to start working on that. I think that this Bible working will really help out.

In the afternoon we were trying to figure things out about the Revival Meetings that are supposed to be happening. I was really wondering why they are not having them at the church, because it was pretty well advertised.

I basically spent the rest of the evening reading. There is just so much that I want to read. There is just so much out there. But one sentence at a time will eventually become one paragraph, which will become one chapter, which will eventually become one book, which will become a library of material.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Today we had a pretty good class. Dr. Derose taught us on health evangelism, he’s going to be teaching some of the lessons. It was good though, but so much of the things that are being presented to me, I already know because of the graduate level. Its been good though, I’ve been able to learn a lot in just the short time that I’ve been here. Today I also made plans to go with Chelsea to a study on Sunday.

We didn’t really go out much this afternoon. But I was invited to visit with one of Chris’ contacts that is only a few houses down from mine. It went really well. She actually invited us to her birthday party on Sunday, so I’m pretty excited, I want to get her a good Spirit of Prophecy book. She wants to become a translator for the US Embassy, or something like that. But I’m sure that she can do it, she speaks five languages. The study on the other hand went pretty well, but I could tell that it may have been overbearing for her, we went over Daniel 7 and 9 and the various prophecies within them.

Afterwards I went to do laundry, and I didn’t realize that they closed at 8 and I started at about 7:30. I felt so bad, because I wasn’t done until nearly 9; but I think I gained the respect of her son and eventually the owner, which is a huge thing in Asian culture, because I told them that I was doing my masters. We just seemed to connect. I would really like to go back there. They were Vietnamese. Something that I have learned is that there are a lot of Vietnamese around here.

After laundry I basically came back and that was it. I’ve been trying to get in touch with one of my friends from Brazil. I hope that I do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today was just amazing. Devotions have really been good.

Nathan and I started memorizing scripture again. Were in 1 Peter 3:8ff. I'm really excited. But for devotions last night we read something really amazing in Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings. But this morning was also an amazing devotion, we decided to read Gospel Workers for our morning devotions together. But even before that...

I woke up at about 4. And I had difficulty going back to sleep. But eventually I did. I was just tired. Then I woke up at about 5 something and decided that I wasn't going to go back to sleep, so I started praying. And prayer was just extraordinary. I was just really excited. I just knew that today would be a good day.

I was able to read a good portion of Great Controversy and Nehemiah, so now I'm reading about the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem. It was just powerful. I think tomorrow I'm going to start waking up at 4 and working out because I'm not going to go anymore days without working out.

But we went to class, and then afterwards they had prayer time. I believe it went well. It was hard for me to get a good picture of it, but I tried. Afterwards though we ate a really good meal, thank God for Lance's wife. We also had a good desert too.

At about 1:45 Chris and I left because we had to give a study. It was a great study, Daniel 2. Its probably one of my favorite studies to give, because it is basically irrefutable. I think it went pretty well. The guy had a few questions, but it still went well. We told him to keep studying it, and if he still has questions next well, we'll go over them.

Afterwards we went to Whole Foods to talk to the person in charge of advertising. Were trying to get a kiosk at Whole Foods, because we just found out that we got permission to have one at the Maine Mall. How exciting?

After we could find the director we decided to go door to door, basically we survey the community and then invite them to one of the meetings that they are most interested in - Health, Archeology, or Bible Prophecy.

First it was Chris and I, then it was Hanif and I and we finished one street and then had to rush to the meeting this evening. We are supposed to log about 15 hours of Bible work a week. But we are really getting into this Bible work thing, its been a few years for me, but its like working out a muscle that you haven't worked out in a while, its hard at first but then it gets easier.

On the way back we stopped by an Asian market, so now I have a few more ingredients to make my Asian food. But the meeting tonight is on the longest time prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 8:14 - I just preached this sermon three months ago. Oh, and now I have wireless connection at the church, so I'll be able to check my e-mail a few days of the week in the morning.

Oh, I finally read an article from a while back, but I highly recommend it. Click here for the article.

Till tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Portland Lighthouse

Today was quite interesting. It is really good to have Nathan back. He is actually a very good brother to watch my back. Now I also don’t have to feel like I have to take charge of everything. I finished another chapter in Great Controversy and now I’m about half way through Nehemiah. So devotions were quite good this morning.

Got to class on time; but class today was great, it was called “Launching Out Into the Deep.” I think I am going to try to post my notes online. It was just a great class. We had some really inspiring quotes such as these:

Evangelism, p. 389
• “I know of no place where there is a greater need for a rebuilding of the first works than in Boston and in Portland, Maine, where the first messages were given in power, but where now there is but a little handful of our people.”
• “Now the time has come when the message of the third angel is to be proclaimed
Letter 28, 1910
• “Portland, Maine, a city that has been foremost in temperance reform, is to be worked without delay.”
• There are towns in Maine, like Brunswick and Bangor, that must be worked faithfully. All through the cities and towns of the East, the truth is to shine
Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 13, pp. 12-16
• “The Lord will work with power, as we strive to do our part faithfully. He will cause Boston (Portland) to hear the message of present truth.”
• Who in the East have been burdened to take up the work of going over the ground that in the early days of the message was baptized with the truth of the Lord’s soon coming.”
• “The light has been given that the truth should go again to the Eastern States where we first began our work, and where we had our fist experiences. We must make every effort to spread a knowledge of the truth to all who will hear, and there are many who will listen…”
• “Repeat the message, repeat the message…

It was just a powerful class. After class Lance’s wife made some really good vegan food. It was really good. I would get so fat if I ate that kind of food everyday, it just tasted so good, but it wasn’t overbearing.

At about 3 we met to go door to door, but it took some time, so we didn’t leave until about 4:30 and we only were out for about an hour and half. When we pulled over I took a quick picture and noticed that some of the places didn’t have really brick. Look at the picture closely below. We had some interesting experiences – such as we met someone who probably had too much to drink. He was yelling at us nearly the whole time. But his friend seemed to be quite interested in the information, he actually asked me to write the date and information about the topics. So I hope to see him there.

Afterwards, we went to the Portland Lighthouse, thanks to Karen. I also got to talk to her father on the phone. It was great. It was actually really inspiring. I really enjoyed it. There’s just something about Lighthouses for me. I just like to see them though. I guess the area that we went to used to be a Fort.

When we got back I was so exhausted, but I really wanted to sleep at a good time and not wake up in the middle of the night and have some issues in regard to waking up the next morning, so I read as much as I could. Nathan and I were both getting really hungry. It was good we go to talk in the afternoon, so we were both able to get to bed earlier.

Evening devotions were good. We read more from Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings. I realized later that I had been telling everyone that we had been reading another book. But it was good.

Anyway, now it’s about 9:30 or 10:00 time for bed. I’m exhausted.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Postered Portland

There was so much to do today.

I woke up around 9 something. I think I slept a good 10 hours or so. But when I got up, I thought someone was in the bathroom so I prayed and did devotions for a while. Then I was really wondering to myself, "This person is really taking their time." Then I realized that no one was in there and I took a shower.

When I got out I ate breakfast and read a chapter from Messages to Young People, entitled "Perfecting Christian Character." It was very good, and I highly recommend this to any Christian. When I was done I went to read some of China Awakes, but then Chris came and we postered as much of Portland as we could. We went downtown; down Forest Ave.; to Maine Mall; and all around other streets, especially up and down Allen Ave. (where the church is located). Probably the best one that we got was in a bus stop right in downtown.

At last, after a few hours of putting up posters we ate at Macroni Grill, and I got my usual Pennie Whole Wheat. But I only realized afterwards that I didn't even get my mushrooms, and my friends order had ham in it so we had to get it replaced. I was a bit disappointed in the service.

Afterwards we went to Borders and I got some books on apologetics. I hope they are good. They have been recommended to me by a few friends. We'll see. I was also looking for a book on the Korean War, but they didn't have the one that I was looking for. I guess next time.

We were revived and put up some more posters for about another hour, maybe another hour and a half. This time we ran. We just finished putting them up a few minutes ago. Then we went to get a smoothie, but the place was closed so we went to the Thanh Thanh Vietnamese Restaurant and were able to get a fruit juice to go. Thank you Lord.

If any of you are in the Portland area, I highly recommend the cooking school that the Finley's will be starting September 10 at the Adventist Community Center on Allen Ave.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

China Awakes & The Hauerwas Reader

Aw, a fresh new week. It was a truly beautiful day, so I went walking around and took a few pictures. I often get busy with where I am that I forget to take pictures even though I have a camera. So I need to put it to good use. It was nice though, because as I was walking around I noticed someone in the church cleaning, so I asked him if I could use the Internet upstairs. He approved, and I ran to get my computer. I finally got to check my e-mail and post all the updates for blogger.

Around 12:45 Lance and I went to work out. We did ellipticals for 30 minutes, the rowing machine for as long as we could go (I think I only did about 1500 meters, maybe 2000), and then we worked on ab’s and I jumped on the bike and did 2½ miles.

Afterwards, Lance invited me along to Borders. I have discovered that the closest Barnes and Nobles is 48 miles away, so that’s not happening. I was going to get a book on some history in Korea, but I wasn’t sure what to get. Lance recommended China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power, so I got that book. And then I was looking for some theologically philosophical books, but I only found The Hauerwas Reader, so I picked that up. Those will keep me busy for a while.

I learned that Lance’s wife is from North Hollywood and I was like, “oh, I used to live in Hollywood.” So we were able to communicate on that regard. It was interesting, we seemed to be taking all the wrong ways to get back, but eventually we got back, and I got dropped off. I tried to read as much as I could of the two books, but The Hauerwas Reader was just too much for me at the time. I was trying to read the other, but I was too tired, so I called for devotions, and we read and prayed over Eric. We laid hands on him and then broke up and prayed over the house. I was so tired, but then I tried to sleep and it was hard again. I need to talk to the Shepard more.

Since I was able to walk around, I figured that I would show you guys where I live. We live right across the street from the church. Right there on the same corner even. More like diagonal from it.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Revive us, oh God

I did not realize this morning what time church services began, so I got ready quite slow and took my little indulgence again this morning. But I was actually ready a bit early. Yet even though I was ready by the time that I wanted to leave for church the other guys began to get ready and all I had to do was my hair. It was somewhat nice though; as I was getting ready I was listening to some stories from CAMPUS.

Eventually, I got to church around 10:30. I later found out that services began at 9:30. I felt so lazy because we live right across the street. I took a few observations as I entered church though.

The sermon title was, “Revive us, oh God.” There was one section of the sermon that really got to everyone though. When the Pastor made mention of the history of things that happened here in Portland it seemed as if every person was fixed to the message. You could have heard a pin drop. For those few moments the Spirit of God was truly present.

The church was quite full and many people were present. Unlike most of our churches, the conference office is right next to the church.

One really amazing thing happened at the church, there was a baptism.

After church there was potluck, and there seemed to be nothing to eat. Oh, how I miss eating at the Hasel’s or at the Korean churches. As I was deciding what to eat those words from the Spirit of Prophecy flashed into my memory and I remembered once again what to choose. There is truly a change happening to me here.

After potluck we organized into different teams and went to hand out flyers. Chris and I went together and Lance and the other AUC boys followed along. We decided to hit up the higher-class neighborhoods. Talk about houses that I will never own in this lifetime. The place was really nice, but I don’t believe I could say the same for the people. It is sad to see the lack of interest among the wealthy.

We came back to the church about 5:10 and they discussed a few things. Chris came over and we closed the Sabbath together. A little while later we went to Wild Burrito and got a burrito. Came back and watch a documentary. It was long so we are probably going to finish it next week or some other time.

Now I can’t sleep, and I need too.

11:00 PM