Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What happens in Tombstone stays in Tombstone, but not in Mexico

Today as an adventure of a lifetime. My friend, Ben, is visiting from Northern California, and I promise everyone who visits AZ while I am here, I will take around. So first stop the Casa Grande Ruins. But since I have been there often, I have decided not to include any pictures.

10:45 AM we leave for Tucson, AZ

12:00 PM arrive at the Saint Something Church in Downtown Tucson.

Right afterwards we arrived to these Mexican style adobe condos.

We ate here at around 12:10 PM

It was pretty interesting at the Restaurant. It seemed like everything was included their "Famous" something. Yet the service I'm not all to sure about, we received burnt bread and the guy wouldn't take our order until he took others, yet we were ready. The guy seemed to have some serious problems. The food on the same hand was really cheesy, it was just covered in it. Too much for me, but I don't regularly eat dairy.

Leave for Tombstone 1:10 PM

Arrive at the Boothill Graveyard 2:30 PM

Just a few streets down, we arrived at the Tombstone Courthouse.

And then eventually we made our way to Tombstone's main road.

We left sometime after 3:00 PM

And on our journey to Nogales, we saw some of the most beautiful scenery we have ever seen in Arizona. It was just beautiful. The weather was great, and the drive was not that bad.

We arrived in Nogales, Mexico at around 4:00 PM

First time we actually stepped foot in Mexico was to take a picture of this statue.

With a note to those who may be traveling to Mexico sometime soon, you may see things like this. What kind of a obstruction, without any warning?

Below is pictured what we would find as the worst part of the trip. We didn't realize where this road was going. And after that my friend Ben was able to get it on video, of us trying to get out.

After we got ourselves in to this messed, I stalled twice trying to get out.

Around 6:00 PM We got stuck in a line that took about 30 minutes to get out of. And from there one could see the fence between Mexico and America.

This is just another green site of Arizona.

Though it does not look like it, David is asleep. Which I'm ready to do.

9:00 PM return home.

Next stop: New York!

1 comment:

dbquijano said...

lol i really don't look asleep there. that is funny.