Thursday, August 30, 2007

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Since Nathan and I stayed up so late last night we had some serious troubles getting up this morning; so did everyone else I guess. We were the only ones up an hour before class.

Nathan made breakfast this morning, really he just fried tofu and made scrambled tofu, but I guess the smoke alarms are very sensitive here and they went off. First the alarm went off in the kitchen, and then the one in one of the other rooms. I think it woke everyone up. But that’s good because we only had an hour till class.

After Nathan and I ate we went to class. We have our classes in the basement area of White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s really convenient because it is right across the street. But for our class we went over the power of prayer and for the last few minutes of the class period we went upstairs and prayed over Portland and the church here. It was really cool. It was seriously, probably, one of the best prayer sessions that I have ever had in a group setting.

After our second class went out, Nathan and I decided to go out for lunch and get me a pillow and some shoes. We went to some Italian restaurant near the Maine Mall. It was pretty good, especially their bread. I got some shoes in the clearance section and found a pillow in the clearance section too. Thank God because this is probably the poorest I’ve been since Southwestern days.

After than Nathan dropped me off at the house because he was leaving for MA, so this meant that I would be able to get some sleep for that which I lacked last night. I discover this only now, that may not have been the best idea. I slept for nearly two hours, and then I got a call and I feel bad because every time I seem to talk to this person I am so tired or out of it. But I didn’t want to let them go because I really did want to talk. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll be awake and all there.

After that I couldn’t sleep so I went to the gym to get in some exercise. I can tell that I’m loosing my summer fat already. I think next week I’m going to start to really work out. I’ve just been doing cardio until I got my weight down enough to loose my little belly. God’s servants must be fit.

Something interesting happened. When I came back the people who live above us approached me. We live in this apartment/house complex. They asked me what the age ranges of the people were in our section and if we were missionaries and I said we weren’t Mormon. Then they asked if we believed in premarital sex and I said no. It was truly odd.

That’s the basic part of the day. Jerman gave devotions this evening. Afterwards we did sentence prayers and I think that I’m going to inform the group that if we are going to have devotions we have to end at 9:30, not start, because I need to get to sleep earlier. Past that I wake up all over again. I was able to really get tired until about 2 AM. So no more of this late nonsense.

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