Thursday, August 30, 2007

The one birthday present that I wanted

It was a complete day. I got up pretty early, but I had a really hard time sleeping; the beds here and just unrighteous. Tonight I am actually going to sleep on the floor. Probably I’ll just put the mattress on the floor. I actually woke up a bit later then usual, but I was not late for class.

Throughout the night I was continually getting calls, it was nice. There are some people that I have not had the opportunity to get in touch with for a while. Good to know that they remembered.

I got a few texts throughout the day, but like usual my mom didn’t mention anything. Neither did my dad, and my dad usually remembers. I’m not sure what’s up with that.

It was interesting though, when we finished class the church made food for us. And it was then that Nathan realized that it was my birthday. By this time I just put my phone on silent so I didn’t get the other texts until later. Nathan than made sure that everyone else knew that it was my birthday. It’s a bit odd that Tennie Finley started to sing me “Happy Birthday…”

It was nice though, during lunch, I was able to talk with Karen Hamilton. So we got to do some catching up, since we haven’t seen each other in a few years. I told her to give my regards to her parents.

After lunch Chris, one of the other Bible workers here, invited me to go to a Bible study with him in South Portland. I told him to just meet me at the house we are staying at; it’s right across the street from the church. I wanted to brush my teeth and such, so I came back and it was then that I got the one birthday present that I wanted. Some may not consider it that special. I mean it was not something that one would have paid a lot of money for, but it was a very special answer to prayer. Thank you, Lord, so much.

Sometimes we don’t get the answer to prayer that we would like, and this is one that I truly had to leave in the Lord’s hand; but the Bible says that…

Afterwards Chris and I went to the Bible study. It was there that I met Robert. We are the same age and he works at a printing press. The study was about an hour, and he had many questions, but one could tell that he was genuinely interested in the Bible. He wants to continue the studies. So we will meet again with him next week. I am quite excited for him.

After the study we went to the bank, and then over to where Chris is staying. It was there that I was able to talk with a friend while Chris was trying to figure out something with TimeWarner Cable.

Afterwards we went out to eat at Whole Foods. We couldn’t really think of another place that would have some good vegan food. The food was all right, but not the best Whole Foods meal that I’ve had.

Afterwards Chris took me back to my place and we talked for a bit, then he had to go to pick up a contact for the Daniel Prophecy studies this evening. The study went well and Nathan and I got to do a lot of catching up. When we came back I gave a little devotional, I believe it went well. After the devotional we called a prayer hotline thing, which took an hour. So it was already late. Nathan was one the phone with Stacey and I was getting really tired. It was good though. I told someone who was going to call to just call me tomorrow because I thought that I was going to go directly to sleep, but that was not the case. I think that Nathan and I stayed up until 1 AM or so. We had a good conversation.

This was a good birthday. Thank you Lord, once again for the sweet peace and another chance at living this year for you.

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