Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sabbath in New York | The Fastest Sabbath I’ve ever had

7:20 AM we woke up late
I know that my excuse is not really much of one, but I was up a little later then usually because I was working on this, and have not yet adjusted to the time zone here. All I know is that we were late for waking up and that meant that I had to rush a little bit. We didn’t have time for breakfast. So we were quickly out the door. After this everything just seemed to go by very quickly.

We took Sub 6 to Harlem and then from there we took a train to Peekskill. I was so tired that I fell asleep. I just knocked out on the train. There in Peekskill someone picked us up. When we arrived to the church didn’t realize how small the church really was, but it was really small. I was told that at one point it was a full church (it was always packed) with about 150 members. But it has really dwindled down. They didn’t use the piano or the organ that was in the church, but they played all the music over a radio (what they do in the Dominican).

The service seemed to just fly by. We went straight through the Sabbath School, then into Mission Spotlight (which was read), and directly into the Divine Service; it was good though, I really enjoyed the service. There is just something about those old small churches that no big church can ever have.

We stayed a little after the service, and then were driven to the train stop. Henry, the man driving us, talked with us for a while until the train came. When our tickets got collected I was out again. I was seriously so tired. It was interesting though, when I was walking the street in Harlem and then waiting at the substation it was almost like I knew that others knew that I was a pastor. I really felt protected.

When we came back to the city we had some good lunch – salad, Kentucky Fried (veggie) Chicken, some rice, and white grape juice. It was good stuff. After lunch we talked a while, read some a good chapter on Daniel 1, and then we experienced a little tiredness and fell asleep. It was okay though, I really needed the rest, but I think I over rested. I didn’t wake up until about 5 something. I guess I was really tired.

After about an hour we went to Central Park. It was a true treasure to be there. Almost like images of being in the new kingdom passing through my mind. First we went to the Obelisk. After that we just walked around the park until we the close of the Sabbath. I really didn’t want the Sabbath to pass. It just went to fast this time.

After the Sabbath we went to the Apple store, which was near the park. After the Apple store we went to Time Square through way of 5th and Grand Central Station. One of the subs was not in service so we had to take the N train. We finally arrived to Time Square and then went to eat.

The food was great. And they even gave us a complimentary dessert. I thought that they knew that my birthday was coming up, but I was wrong. It was just out of sheer kindness. I truly enjoyed the meal.

Basically, by the time we finished eating and got to the subway it was 10:58, and now it’s 11:30 so I’m going to head to bed soon. So I climbed up the 4 flights of stairs one last time in apartment 227.

Tomorrow: Goodbye New York, Hello Providence.

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