Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can I get a fitting room?

Classes here are great. I am very excited. We started at 9:30 AM, and that’s how its going to be. We are personally be taught by Tennie Finley. Mark will be coming in a few weeks, and so will Dr. Hasel. I am quite excited. This is going to be a good time for me. Nathan and I keep talking to over, how we both really need this.

I think that I may need it more because I have not had this joy or opportunity before. I am still a relatively young person compared to those who have worked in the field. I believe that this will be the time to prepare for the rest of my future work for the Lord. Something is going to happen to me during this time. I just need to stay faithful to the Lord. Often Nathan and I refer to our wonderful experience while at SWAU, but we both admitted that it would be nothing compared to this.

This opportunity has truly been handed down to me. I am the only one who is truly from a foreign land. I am not from here and its almost like I don’t belong here, but I am meant to be here. Some people have seemed to share some special interest in this guy from Arizona.

I was able to meet an old friend, Karen Hamilton. I haven’t seen her in years, and have wondered in a sense what happened to her. It was interesting, today one of the local pastor was trying to get information about us and asking us if we could speak, and when it came to me I tried to avoid the answer and Karen spoke up saying, “he spoke at my church five years ago and it was really good.” Five years ago, man, and she remembered that? I seriously thought that that was one of my worst sermons.

Today and tomorrow though will be our days to really get settled and adjusted. So to get settled Nathan and I went to the Outlets, because they are supposed to be famous up here. I finally got to go to an L.L. Bean story. But at the Outlets I was asked twice about questions pertaining to workers, the first one at Banana Republic I was asked, “Can I get a fitting room?” And then at Polo I was asked again whether or not I worked there. And I informed them that I didn’t and they said that I looked like I would, what does that mean? It reminded me of those days when I used to work at J. Crew. Good times.

Today was also the last day that I could use my military discount for anything. Tomorrow is my birthday and so I will be 23 and no longer eligible to use it. So what did I do? I signed up for a local gym. It’s only about ¾’s a mile so I can walk there, cause I don’t have a car here. I honestly feel a little helpless. But now I am signed up for the next three months at Lifestyle Fitness Center. I am hoping to be in tiptop shape by the time that I leave this place.

Well, now it is another late night (nearly 10:30), but I’m adjusting to the time zone, so that I can wake up early. Did you know that Maine has the earliest of all sunrises in America?

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