Friday, August 31, 2007

Don't forget the Sabbath, the Sabbath, the Sabbath...

Since we did not have class this morning, I decided to take the luxury of sleeping in. I was a little refreshing since I had some trouble sleeping early last night. I wasn't all to sure what to do today. So I read quite a bit. I'm still reading Great Controversy and I also decided to pick up readying Testimonies to the Church Vol. 2, and begin reading where I left off two years ago. On top of that I read some of the biography that I have on James White. I am actually over half way done with the book and should probably just finish it off this weekend.

Today I took my suit to the dry cleaners. It was $11.90. Way too much for me. Hopefully that's the only time that I am going to be taking clothes to the dry cleaners. Well, except for a few more suits to take in next week. But they said that they would have it done by 4 in the afternoon if I brought things in before 9. So I did.

I figured that I would go out to eat at Wok In. I am so limited to everything because I have to walk everywhere. I am so not used to this anymore, but I think I'm making a good adjustment. I actually finished the food much quicker than I expected and decided to text a friend. The only thing is that I didn't expect them to respond so quick. After they told me that they were driving I decided to call. And we talked for nearly the next hour. Good convo. It was nice though, I walked around this neighborhood that's just near where I live and by these railroad tracks.

It was interesting. We actually got cut off, because her phone died, but mine was about to die at the same time. Afterwards, Lance came over and we went to the gym to work out. We biked nearly 8 miles and then we basically split up in our exercises after that.

Lance told me his testimony. It's amazing how the Lord works. The church didn't have vespers, so we had our own. We have decided to read Mount of Blessings for our evening devotions. This will work out perfectly.

Either way, its getting late, and I want to be ready for church tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Since Nathan and I stayed up so late last night we had some serious troubles getting up this morning; so did everyone else I guess. We were the only ones up an hour before class.

Nathan made breakfast this morning, really he just fried tofu and made scrambled tofu, but I guess the smoke alarms are very sensitive here and they went off. First the alarm went off in the kitchen, and then the one in one of the other rooms. I think it woke everyone up. But that’s good because we only had an hour till class.

After Nathan and I ate we went to class. We have our classes in the basement area of White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s really convenient because it is right across the street. But for our class we went over the power of prayer and for the last few minutes of the class period we went upstairs and prayed over Portland and the church here. It was really cool. It was seriously, probably, one of the best prayer sessions that I have ever had in a group setting.

After our second class went out, Nathan and I decided to go out for lunch and get me a pillow and some shoes. We went to some Italian restaurant near the Maine Mall. It was pretty good, especially their bread. I got some shoes in the clearance section and found a pillow in the clearance section too. Thank God because this is probably the poorest I’ve been since Southwestern days.

After than Nathan dropped me off at the house because he was leaving for MA, so this meant that I would be able to get some sleep for that which I lacked last night. I discover this only now, that may not have been the best idea. I slept for nearly two hours, and then I got a call and I feel bad because every time I seem to talk to this person I am so tired or out of it. But I didn’t want to let them go because I really did want to talk. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll be awake and all there.

After that I couldn’t sleep so I went to the gym to get in some exercise. I can tell that I’m loosing my summer fat already. I think next week I’m going to start to really work out. I’ve just been doing cardio until I got my weight down enough to loose my little belly. God’s servants must be fit.

Something interesting happened. When I came back the people who live above us approached me. We live in this apartment/house complex. They asked me what the age ranges of the people were in our section and if we were missionaries and I said we weren’t Mormon. Then they asked if we believed in premarital sex and I said no. It was truly odd.

That’s the basic part of the day. Jerman gave devotions this evening. Afterwards we did sentence prayers and I think that I’m going to inform the group that if we are going to have devotions we have to end at 9:30, not start, because I need to get to sleep earlier. Past that I wake up all over again. I was able to really get tired until about 2 AM. So no more of this late nonsense.

The one birthday present that I wanted

It was a complete day. I got up pretty early, but I had a really hard time sleeping; the beds here and just unrighteous. Tonight I am actually going to sleep on the floor. Probably I’ll just put the mattress on the floor. I actually woke up a bit later then usual, but I was not late for class.

Throughout the night I was continually getting calls, it was nice. There are some people that I have not had the opportunity to get in touch with for a while. Good to know that they remembered.

I got a few texts throughout the day, but like usual my mom didn’t mention anything. Neither did my dad, and my dad usually remembers. I’m not sure what’s up with that.

It was interesting though, when we finished class the church made food for us. And it was then that Nathan realized that it was my birthday. By this time I just put my phone on silent so I didn’t get the other texts until later. Nathan than made sure that everyone else knew that it was my birthday. It’s a bit odd that Tennie Finley started to sing me “Happy Birthday…”

It was nice though, during lunch, I was able to talk with Karen Hamilton. So we got to do some catching up, since we haven’t seen each other in a few years. I told her to give my regards to her parents.

After lunch Chris, one of the other Bible workers here, invited me to go to a Bible study with him in South Portland. I told him to just meet me at the house we are staying at; it’s right across the street from the church. I wanted to brush my teeth and such, so I came back and it was then that I got the one birthday present that I wanted. Some may not consider it that special. I mean it was not something that one would have paid a lot of money for, but it was a very special answer to prayer. Thank you, Lord, so much.

Sometimes we don’t get the answer to prayer that we would like, and this is one that I truly had to leave in the Lord’s hand; but the Bible says that…

Afterwards Chris and I went to the Bible study. It was there that I met Robert. We are the same age and he works at a printing press. The study was about an hour, and he had many questions, but one could tell that he was genuinely interested in the Bible. He wants to continue the studies. So we will meet again with him next week. I am quite excited for him.

After the study we went to the bank, and then over to where Chris is staying. It was there that I was able to talk with a friend while Chris was trying to figure out something with TimeWarner Cable.

Afterwards we went out to eat at Whole Foods. We couldn’t really think of another place that would have some good vegan food. The food was all right, but not the best Whole Foods meal that I’ve had.

Afterwards Chris took me back to my place and we talked for a bit, then he had to go to pick up a contact for the Daniel Prophecy studies this evening. The study went well and Nathan and I got to do a lot of catching up. When we came back I gave a little devotional, I believe it went well. After the devotional we called a prayer hotline thing, which took an hour. So it was already late. Nathan was one the phone with Stacey and I was getting really tired. It was good though. I told someone who was going to call to just call me tomorrow because I thought that I was going to go directly to sleep, but that was not the case. I think that Nathan and I stayed up until 1 AM or so. We had a good conversation.

This was a good birthday. Thank you Lord, once again for the sweet peace and another chance at living this year for you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can I get a fitting room?

Classes here are great. I am very excited. We started at 9:30 AM, and that’s how its going to be. We are personally be taught by Tennie Finley. Mark will be coming in a few weeks, and so will Dr. Hasel. I am quite excited. This is going to be a good time for me. Nathan and I keep talking to over, how we both really need this.

I think that I may need it more because I have not had this joy or opportunity before. I am still a relatively young person compared to those who have worked in the field. I believe that this will be the time to prepare for the rest of my future work for the Lord. Something is going to happen to me during this time. I just need to stay faithful to the Lord. Often Nathan and I refer to our wonderful experience while at SWAU, but we both admitted that it would be nothing compared to this.

This opportunity has truly been handed down to me. I am the only one who is truly from a foreign land. I am not from here and its almost like I don’t belong here, but I am meant to be here. Some people have seemed to share some special interest in this guy from Arizona.

I was able to meet an old friend, Karen Hamilton. I haven’t seen her in years, and have wondered in a sense what happened to her. It was interesting, today one of the local pastor was trying to get information about us and asking us if we could speak, and when it came to me I tried to avoid the answer and Karen spoke up saying, “he spoke at my church five years ago and it was really good.” Five years ago, man, and she remembered that? I seriously thought that that was one of my worst sermons.

Today and tomorrow though will be our days to really get settled and adjusted. So to get settled Nathan and I went to the Outlets, because they are supposed to be famous up here. I finally got to go to an L.L. Bean story. But at the Outlets I was asked twice about questions pertaining to workers, the first one at Banana Republic I was asked, “Can I get a fitting room?” And then at Polo I was asked again whether or not I worked there. And I informed them that I didn’t and they said that I looked like I would, what does that mean? It reminded me of those days when I used to work at J. Crew. Good times.

Today was also the last day that I could use my military discount for anything. Tomorrow is my birthday and so I will be 23 and no longer eligible to use it. So what did I do? I signed up for a local gym. It’s only about ¾’s a mile so I can walk there, cause I don’t have a car here. I honestly feel a little helpless. But now I am signed up for the next three months at Lifestyle Fitness Center. I am hoping to be in tiptop shape by the time that I leave this place.

Well, now it is another late night (nearly 10:30), but I’m adjusting to the time zone, so that I can wake up early. Did you know that Maine has the earliest of all sunrises in America?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Remember Portland Continued...

It was only a few months ago when I arrived here in Portland, yet now I get to work here with the Finley’s. I am quite excited. For some reason I seem so distant from everything. I believe that this may be the longest that I will be in one place for quite some time. I do not have a car here so I will not be traveling anywhere that is outside of walking distance unless I am driven there.

Today was an early rise. To tell you the truth since I have arrived in the Northeast I haven’t been able to sleep well. I will get up in the middle of the night for no reason. Yet when I was at home I was sleeping just fine. But I woke up eventually and got ready quickly.

We arrived in Clinton, MA where my friend had to go to small claims court. After that we went to South Lancaster. Today was the registration for AUC – school is starting. It almost feels out of place for me not to be in school. But I will be studying directly under the Finley’s.

Tomorrow I am going to be asking Mrs. Finley if I can have one weekend off in October so that I can go to the Q.O.D. conference in Michigan.

We arrived in Portland, Maine around 6 something. We got settled in. The place that we are staying at is pretty nice. Nathan and I are roommate’s for the next four months. But I think that he is going to be going home as often as he can, so I will most likely be alone for the weekends.

Some time in the early evening we got to eat at a Vietnamese restaurant. It was good; I got the usual – Pho, vegetarian of course. But Nathan has officially informed the group that it is my birthday in a few days. So we’ll see what happens.

Things are so different out here in the Northeast. I guess that I have one the admiration of one man. He said, “I really admire you, you are so far from home. That shows true dedication right there.” But everyone here seems dedicated. I truly thank God for them.

I really need to start to sleep early. I need to follow the Lord more closely while I am here. This is going to be my refreshing time. This will be the time that I draw close to Him.

Lord, guide me now. Please Lord; I need your forgiveness before I can move forward. You alone can change my heart, and I ask for it now. As you have promise you will take out my old heart of stone and give me a new heart of flesh. I need you now to change me, to prepare me for what lies before me. Consecrate me Lord to do thy will.

May I be more like you…

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Goodbye New York, Hello Rhode Island

This morning was my last time in NY until only God knows when. I hope to return sometime, maybe take a stroll through central park.

I arrive an hour and half before my flight, but I thought that I was going to miss it, because I thought that it was an hour earlier then I expected, but I was just getting that mixed up with my flight out to NY. It was okay. On my second flight from Philli, I actually met a Methodist. She was very interesting. It was cool though, because for the first time in my life I was actually able to recommend the book The Great Controversy and tell her about it pretty well. I am actually currently reading it, and am in about page 350 something. Its really good. I recommend it to anyone reading this right now.

I arrived safely to Providence. Nathan picked me up and we went directly to Providence Place, a mall in Providence, Rhode Island, to eat. We went to the Cheesecake Factory to meet with Stacey, Nathan fiancé, and her family. The food was good. I got a Portobello mushroom burger without the mayo. It was really filling. When I went to the bathroom though they told them about my birthday, and everyone sang for me and I got a Key Lime Cheesecake. It was pretty good too. They actually thought that it was Nathan’s birthday, so they were singing like it was to him, lol. It was funny. Good times.

Currently I am staying at Stacey’s house. Tomorrow morning: Hello Portland!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sabbath in New York | The Fastest Sabbath I’ve ever had

7:20 AM we woke up late
I know that my excuse is not really much of one, but I was up a little later then usually because I was working on this, and have not yet adjusted to the time zone here. All I know is that we were late for waking up and that meant that I had to rush a little bit. We didn’t have time for breakfast. So we were quickly out the door. After this everything just seemed to go by very quickly.

We took Sub 6 to Harlem and then from there we took a train to Peekskill. I was so tired that I fell asleep. I just knocked out on the train. There in Peekskill someone picked us up. When we arrived to the church didn’t realize how small the church really was, but it was really small. I was told that at one point it was a full church (it was always packed) with about 150 members. But it has really dwindled down. They didn’t use the piano or the organ that was in the church, but they played all the music over a radio (what they do in the Dominican).

The service seemed to just fly by. We went straight through the Sabbath School, then into Mission Spotlight (which was read), and directly into the Divine Service; it was good though, I really enjoyed the service. There is just something about those old small churches that no big church can ever have.

We stayed a little after the service, and then were driven to the train stop. Henry, the man driving us, talked with us for a while until the train came. When our tickets got collected I was out again. I was seriously so tired. It was interesting though, when I was walking the street in Harlem and then waiting at the substation it was almost like I knew that others knew that I was a pastor. I really felt protected.

When we came back to the city we had some good lunch – salad, Kentucky Fried (veggie) Chicken, some rice, and white grape juice. It was good stuff. After lunch we talked a while, read some a good chapter on Daniel 1, and then we experienced a little tiredness and fell asleep. It was okay though, I really needed the rest, but I think I over rested. I didn’t wake up until about 5 something. I guess I was really tired.

After about an hour we went to Central Park. It was a true treasure to be there. Almost like images of being in the new kingdom passing through my mind. First we went to the Obelisk. After that we just walked around the park until we the close of the Sabbath. I really didn’t want the Sabbath to pass. It just went to fast this time.

After the Sabbath we went to the Apple store, which was near the park. After the Apple store we went to Time Square through way of 5th and Grand Central Station. One of the subs was not in service so we had to take the N train. We finally arrived to Time Square and then went to eat.

The food was great. And they even gave us a complimentary dessert. I thought that they knew that my birthday was coming up, but I was wrong. It was just out of sheer kindness. I truly enjoyed the meal.

Basically, by the time we finished eating and got to the subway it was 10:58, and now it’s 11:30 so I’m going to head to bed soon. So I climbed up the 4 flights of stairs one last time in apartment 227.

Tomorrow: Goodbye New York, Hello Providence.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Attempt II: successful

Today was quite an experience.

Wake up 6:30 AM, for some reason I didn’t have trouble waking up this morning, but I was definitely tired throughout the day. We make a lot of traveling around the city. But I was able to read a lot for devotions this morning. We slept late, but it was okay. The Lord still sustains me.10:00 AM eat breakfast. We had some good vegan waffles; they were really good. I was quite impressed.

11:00 AM leave for the subway. I had to get a Metro card because I gotta get around this city. Hopefully $20 covers it for the weekend. We then made our way to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, well, after standing in line for an hour and 30 minutes. It was good though. I really enjoyed. My family was supposed to be some of the first, and I am really hoping to come back some day and do more research into that. But we left the city, and headed for Liberty Island (which I didn't know was different from) and Ellis Island.

After several shots I was finally able to get an English family to take a decent picture for me. I also got a little souvenir for my mother, and then I got one for myself. She likes those things, and I guess I kind of adopted that from her.

In this room the decisions were made whether or not someone was well enough or okay for admittance into America.

Also many of the bags that were carried by those immigrants are still displayed there today.

After Ellis Island we didn’t really have any time for anything else. So we rushed back to Manhattan, where I am staying with my friend pictured above. We got back at about 5:30 PM.

We hadn’t eaten since that good breakfast, but he assured me that there was going to be food at the meeting we were headed too at 6:30 PM. The meeting was at the Greater NY Conference ABC. Its actually in a really good location, just about 3 or 4 blocks from the Grand Central Station and right across the street from the Public Library (I should have taken a picture of this while we were waiting outside for a bit, but to tell you the truth, sometimes I don’t like to seem like a tourists, even though they’re everywhere around here). But I did get a picture of the Chrysler Building.

The meeting went well, it was about get more advertisment for GYC in the local churches in this conference. I was extremely tired though.

We got back about an hour ago, and now I’m ready too sleep. Let’s see, I’ve been trying to practice this, and someone said that I did really good…

안녕히 주무세요 or in Romanized form An-nyeong-hi chu-mu-se-yo.

Am I going to make it?

Last night I went to a baseball game.

We kind of celebrated for my birthday. Man, I am getting older. No helping that one. Hopefully I’m getting wiser too. The game went well, the Diamondbacks won 3-2. I think they scored their last run in the bottom of the 7th. That’s when David and I left to eat the Vegetarian House.

Today I came to New York. It was an interesting flight. I woke up late this morning sometime around 6 something to finish packing and etcetera. But I didn’t get out of bed until 6:58, and then took a good long hot shower. I quickly packed the last of my things for the next four months in Portland, Maine; and my quick weekend getaway to New York, and a short detour to Providence, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

I made a quick stop to Jamba Juice, picked up my Lolo (grandfather in the Tagalog) and was off to the airport. We arrived at 9:30, but took a while to find a parking spot. When we eventually did, I was able to get checked in quickly. But I found out that they bumped up my flight departure time to 10:37, it was originally 11:10. I didn’t even have a warning, what’s up with that? I’m going to have to talk to Delta about this.
I got through security, got there just in time to start boarding, and then they had to change our route twice, so we actually left some time past 11:10. I didn’t mind though, but I felt bad because I wasn’t able to tell the person picking me up that I would be arriving later now.

I arrived at 7:21 PM (New York time), and didn’t get my bags until about 8:00 PM. That took what felt like a near forever. I was tired, and definitely really hungry by now. I hadn’t eaten all day, except the snack from Jamba Juice and the plane.

We took my first taxi in New York to 91st and 2nd in Manhattan somewhere. The fair: $49.00. Thank God I didn’t pay, cause I don’t have that kind of spare change. We got the bags to the fourth story (no elevator, it felt like 4th floor Newton all over again); and then out to eat at La Turk something, it was good Mediterranean food. On the way there I took my first bus, and they would accept dollar bills. So someone else actually paid for me. Kind people. This was after I mustered up the courage to ask for change for $2.00, but someone just gave me their pass thing.

On the way back we stopped somewhere and I got change for $2.00 from a market that was ran by a Korean man. I told him Kam sa ham ni da (thank you in Korean, I think I can actually write this in Korean too 감 자 맘 니 다), but he didn’t really seem like he cared. Its okay, I still really like Koreans.

When we got back it was about 10:00 PM and we began a movie that speaks about a Polish Jew who moved to the East side of New York city. I’ll possibly mention more later, but now its 12:50 AM, and I’m tired.

Tomorrow – Statue of Liberty, attempt #2.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What happens in Tombstone stays in Tombstone, but not in Mexico

Today as an adventure of a lifetime. My friend, Ben, is visiting from Northern California, and I promise everyone who visits AZ while I am here, I will take around. So first stop the Casa Grande Ruins. But since I have been there often, I have decided not to include any pictures.

10:45 AM we leave for Tucson, AZ

12:00 PM arrive at the Saint Something Church in Downtown Tucson.

Right afterwards we arrived to these Mexican style adobe condos.

We ate here at around 12:10 PM

It was pretty interesting at the Restaurant. It seemed like everything was included their "Famous" something. Yet the service I'm not all to sure about, we received burnt bread and the guy wouldn't take our order until he took others, yet we were ready. The guy seemed to have some serious problems. The food on the same hand was really cheesy, it was just covered in it. Too much for me, but I don't regularly eat dairy.

Leave for Tombstone 1:10 PM

Arrive at the Boothill Graveyard 2:30 PM

Just a few streets down, we arrived at the Tombstone Courthouse.

And then eventually we made our way to Tombstone's main road.

We left sometime after 3:00 PM

And on our journey to Nogales, we saw some of the most beautiful scenery we have ever seen in Arizona. It was just beautiful. The weather was great, and the drive was not that bad.

We arrived in Nogales, Mexico at around 4:00 PM

First time we actually stepped foot in Mexico was to take a picture of this statue.

With a note to those who may be traveling to Mexico sometime soon, you may see things like this. What kind of a obstruction, without any warning?

Below is pictured what we would find as the worst part of the trip. We didn't realize where this road was going. And after that my friend Ben was able to get it on video, of us trying to get out.

After we got ourselves in to this messed, I stalled twice trying to get out.

Around 6:00 PM We got stuck in a line that took about 30 minutes to get out of. And from there one could see the fence between Mexico and America.

This is just another green site of Arizona.

Though it does not look like it, David is asleep. Which I'm ready to do.

9:00 PM return home.

Next stop: New York!