Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Montreal: Day 1

My Lolo told me to sleep in since we got in late, so I had no objections to the suggestion. We were off at about 10:30 – and first stop, the Conference Office. What can I say? I guess I’m an Adventist before I’m a tourist.

At the conference office, I met one of the conference people – I already forgot his name. He even gave me a book to read. It was so weird to see everything in French; but he gave me a book in English. I’ll probably read it in the next month or so. We’ll have to see about that. I have a lot of books to read right now.

After that we saw one of nicest Adventist churches that I have ever seen. It was bought for $50,000 (Canadian); which was still a steal. I guess there’s a story about it in one of the old Reviews. I’ll have to look for it.

Then we basically spent the rest of the day eating or driving around. It was really foggy so I wasn’t able to get any good shots; but I did see the Olympic stadiums and some other sites.

Oh, I know what I'm going to be speaking about this weekend - Higher than the Highest (Filipino)


RJK said...

stopping by to say hi. It's so late but i just finished writing a testimony I'm presenting at my home church this evening. How is everything?

Jemuel said...

his name is Pastor Jurado