Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Off to Montreal

Today I left for Montreal, the bus was 22 minutes late; but I still was able to get on the right one and had a two hour stop in Boston. The total trip was 10 hours and something. For now on I am further convicted that I will only travel by plane and train, well, at least in America and Canada. But it was nice. During the later part of my trip the girl that sat next to me talked for like two hours. LoL. She can really talk, she was also the lightest Haitian that I have ever met; but she was really nice.

When we got to Customs they questioned me on what I was doing in Montreal and I said that I was speaking in a church for the weekend. So then they had me talk to other people about my visit, and they almost wanted me to get a Visa for coming over; but then I told them that I’m also here just visiting family. It was interesting, they really had a lot of questions for me; but I was able to answer them all, so I guess they didn’t really mind. The trip was good otherwise. But I’m tired.

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