Sunday, November 11, 2007

C.A.M.P.U.S. Experience | Day 4

Click on the title, or here, for a link to pictures.

Today was my last day with the CAMPUS missionaries. It was fun and sad. I am truly going to miss them. But my dad started a little earlier then expected. I was intending to sleep in, but my body’s natural alarm clock woke me up at 5 something and then I was determined to at least stay in bed until 6 something. It was nice to sleep at the guys CAMPUS house last night. Its was my only night there, and tonight I’m staying at Justin’s.

But I spent most of the morning reading my Bible on my computer because I left my Bible in a box with the hymnals last night. The rest is a long story, but I eventually got it back nearly before I left. Thanks guys, I was feeling naked without it. I was asked to do devotions this morning for the CAMPUS guys, so I went over John 2-6 and it went well.

After that we went to play football for ASCersise (which is a mixture of Adventist Students for Christ and exercise) – it was probably the coldest whether I every played football in. it was freezing. But it was fun. I wish I would have taken pictures. Afterwards we went to Justin and John’s room for some relaxation and eventually get some food at Red Robin. It was the first time that I had been to a Red Robin since my freshman year in High School – well it might have been 7th grade, sometime around then – but that was years ago.

Afterwards we came back to the house and just chilled. Good thing too, because I was really tired. But after that we went to the CAMPUS Field School. And I was asked to present something, so I think it went well. Generally its in the morning, but this week they changed it to the night time because there is a crew that flew in to the tape it.

After that I said my “goodbye’s” and was off to Justin’s. Thanks for everything you guys. You are truly missed, and hmm… I guess we will see what happens for next year.

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