Thursday, November 29, 2007

Student loans paid

... in cash...

Doesn't that look like a lot of money? It was funny because I walked into the bank and said, "I would like to pay off my loans." And the kind lady asked, "How would you like to pay your loan?" And I pulled out 27 $100 bills. And she said, "Oh, okay." And then the others looking behind her were looking as if I had a lot of money. LoL. Just savings. Now I'm back to have a bit less. Time to save again.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


feelings are just what I read -
"Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me;
When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness;
As I was in teh days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle;
When the Almighty was yet with me..."
Job 29:2-5

Don't take it too far. But yes, "Lord I need you."

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Goodbye Montreal

This morning I woke up and was so exhausted. I had blood shot eyes, I was so tired. But we got to the bus station at 7:20 and there was still a long line.

When we finally got on the bus we were off and away, until we were stopped at the border and when I mean stopped, I mean it literally took a long time.

Then when we got to Boston we arrived a little late so the Portland people had to rush, only to be stopped because before we could go more than 3 blocks or so the bus broke down, and we had to wait for another bus to arrived.

When we finally got on way I realized that I didn’t have anyone picking me up, so I had to get a taxi, but then I realized that I didn’t have enough money, so I had to get money. And it seemed like I had to walk everywhere just to get to an ATM that worked. But alas, I finally made it back, and I was able to talk with the Taxi driver for a little bit, he was a Muslim and seemed a little impressed that I knew a bit more about Islam that he would have originally thought.

In all the time it took to get back was like 13 or 14 hours. I could have flown to Korean from LAX in that time. Next I'm flying. Haha.

Now its time to chill. Tomorrow I begin packing for home. YEAH, Malcolm is going home!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Montreal: Day 4

Magandang Sabado!!!

Today is my last full day in Montreal, but it was probably one of the best days I’ve had in a while.

Sabbath school was interesting – “Seeing the Invisible.” There was quite a discussion, to be kind with words. But some people are just really opinionated.

Afterwards, for divine service, I was the speaker; but I didn’t start speaking until 12:20, and they were supposed to get out at 12:30. So I informed them that since I am Filipino, and today was the Sabbath, I am going to have a little Filipino time. I believe that the sermon went very well. As many people said afterwards, “It was a timely message.”

The title was “Higher than the Highest.” And no, I did not get the idea from GYC 2003. I got it from MYP page 40. It went amazingly well. All glory to God, for I could tell that He was with me. I must say though, it is hard speaking to Filipino’s.

It was amazing to see the reaction of so many, constantly the were in awe at my age. So many were shocked that I was 23. Generally the thought I looked younger; but being a “Pastor” and nearly done with my Master’s made them think that I was older. It was good to be appreciated. For those of you who don’t know – I come from a very prominent line among Filipino Adventists from the Philippines. It was just nice to be appreciated, it almost felt like I was at home (Philippines home, that is).

But afterwards I got to meet some new people at Potluck, and it seemed like everyone wanted to get me dish (whether or not I liked the food, lol); and then I was asked to pray a blessing for those people who have birthdays in November and December; and then assist in training people for the prayer gathering that they wanted to start today. It was busy, but it was good to “feel” like a Pastor.

For what was left of the afternoon, I spent it at Uncle Jem’s cousins house. It was good, later in the evening we were finally able to get in touch with the newly arrived Filipino’s that I met at church. I was able to spend some time with them and talk and pray with them. It was a great blessing. PS – Jem, you better go to GYC, I hope that it works out.

Afterwards I went back to Uncle Jem’s cousins house, and then we went to Lolo Filip’s house. What a day, what a day, I leave early tomorrow…

Friday, November 23, 2007

Montreal: Day 3

Today was exciting. We went took the Metro to the Underground City, Downtown, and China Town. There was so much to see.

At one point while we were taking pictures we were told by a cop that we weren’t allowed, but he let us take a picture; and then we took another. It was fun. If you click on “Montreal: Day 3” you can see the pictures.

Afterwards, we picked up George, Le Tisha, and Peter to eat at one of my Auntie's house. Good times, good times.

Happy Sabbath.

Tomorrow I'm speaking at the Filipino Montreal SDA Church. "Higher than the Highest." Its a bit exciting. Pray for me though.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Montreal: Day 2

Today Lolo Phil and I went around town a little bit more. Basically we spent more of our time just talking to each other. He has good advice. It snowed a bit more today. It was pretty exciting. I guess I’m just not used to the snow.

Later in the day I was able to talk with my Uncle Jem, and we went and visited one of the Ladores family members. It was fun.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Montreal: Day 1

My Lolo told me to sleep in since we got in late, so I had no objections to the suggestion. We were off at about 10:30 – and first stop, the Conference Office. What can I say? I guess I’m an Adventist before I’m a tourist.

At the conference office, I met one of the conference people – I already forgot his name. He even gave me a book to read. It was so weird to see everything in French; but he gave me a book in English. I’ll probably read it in the next month or so. We’ll have to see about that. I have a lot of books to read right now.

After that we saw one of nicest Adventist churches that I have ever seen. It was bought for $50,000 (Canadian); which was still a steal. I guess there’s a story about it in one of the old Reviews. I’ll have to look for it.

Then we basically spent the rest of the day eating or driving around. It was really foggy so I wasn’t able to get any good shots; but I did see the Olympic stadiums and some other sites.

Oh, I know what I'm going to be speaking about this weekend - Higher than the Highest (Filipino)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Off to Montreal

Today I left for Montreal, the bus was 22 minutes late; but I still was able to get on the right one and had a two hour stop in Boston. The total trip was 10 hours and something. For now on I am further convicted that I will only travel by plane and train, well, at least in America and Canada. But it was nice. During the later part of my trip the girl that sat next to me talked for like two hours. LoL. She can really talk, she was also the lightest Haitian that I have ever met; but she was really nice.

When we got to Customs they questioned me on what I was doing in Montreal and I said that I was speaking in a church for the weekend. So then they had me talk to other people about my visit, and they almost wanted me to get a Visa for coming over; but then I told them that I’m also here just visiting family. It was interesting, they really had a lot of questions for me; but I was able to answer them all, so I guess they didn’t really mind. The trip was good otherwise. But I’m tired.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

"I Think I'm Going to Boston..."

This weekend was going to be my last weekend here in the New England area, so Nathan and I planned that we would go to Boston, that way I can say that I’ve been to Boston. Most of the time that I spent there I videod, so I might post a video sometime. But I did take some pictures…

First stop eat at the World Famous Regina's. But on the way we saw the Paul Revere statue and Old North Church.

After all this we basically went to the top of the Prudential Tower and were able to see all over Boston, while getting a historical overview of the city. It was really cool because I got free admissions because I had a military ID.

And of course, being a large baseball fan, we had to stop at Fenway Park.

I guess below you see the original state house.

And then we went to Quincy Market, so that I could get my Boston Sweater.

And then back to Portland... always on the go...

Just a few days left, and I'm off to Canada. Pray for me, I'm actually going to be speaking there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My mom has approved...

my going to C.A.M.P.U.S. if I would like.

I think for two reasons:
She doesn't care anymore, as long as I finish my Master's.
I cannot date while at C.A.M.P.U.S.

Applications are being completed, references have been sent out. Is it time?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

C.A.M.P.U.S. Experience | Day 4

Click on the title, or here, for a link to pictures.

Today was my last day with the CAMPUS missionaries. It was fun and sad. I am truly going to miss them. But my dad started a little earlier then expected. I was intending to sleep in, but my body’s natural alarm clock woke me up at 5 something and then I was determined to at least stay in bed until 6 something. It was nice to sleep at the guys CAMPUS house last night. Its was my only night there, and tonight I’m staying at Justin’s.

But I spent most of the morning reading my Bible on my computer because I left my Bible in a box with the hymnals last night. The rest is a long story, but I eventually got it back nearly before I left. Thanks guys, I was feeling naked without it. I was asked to do devotions this morning for the CAMPUS guys, so I went over John 2-6 and it went well.

After that we went to play football for ASCersise (which is a mixture of Adventist Students for Christ and exercise) – it was probably the coldest whether I every played football in. it was freezing. But it was fun. I wish I would have taken pictures. Afterwards we went to Justin and John’s room for some relaxation and eventually get some food at Red Robin. It was the first time that I had been to a Red Robin since my freshman year in High School – well it might have been 7th grade, sometime around then – but that was years ago.

Afterwards we came back to the house and just chilled. Good thing too, because I was really tired. But after that we went to the CAMPUS Field School. And I was asked to present something, so I think it went well. Generally its in the morning, but this week they changed it to the night time because there is a crew that flew in to the tape it.

After that I said my “goodbye’s” and was off to Justin’s. Thanks for everything you guys. You are truly missed, and hmm… I guess we will see what happens for next year.

C.A.M.P.U.S. Experience | Day 3

Click on the title, or here, for a link to pictures.

Talk about a long night. Mrs. Pipim and I stayed up late, she wanted to talk to me about C.AM.P.U.S. So we talked for a while, and I mean a good while. Which is the reason that I was late this morning. But it was good to spend some good time with the Pipim’s. Their family has truly been a blessing to me. I wish Dr. Pipim was around though, I really wanted to talk to him about a few things.

Well, we got to Sabbath School around 10 something. It was a good study. I joined Jo’s. And then afterwards church was very good. Pastor Conway preached a good message – thank you, it was a blessing. After the service we went back to the Girl’s CAMPUS house and had some food, and then discussions over the service. It was a good blessing to be in that company.

After we had a little Sabbath service we went to the U of M Hospital and met up with some people from D.K. (Detroit Korean). We sang songs and prayed with the people there. It was really good.

Then we drove back to the Guys CAMPUS house and chilled for a little bit.

Until we got a call from Justin, then we drove around trying to figure out where we were going to eat – we eventually settle on Thai Food, and that took a while. Most of the time seemed to be spent in a semi Bible study, so I didn’t really eat my food, because we were still trying to get to the ice skating rink. We finally got there – Thank you Bo Un for driving us everywhere.

It was fun at the rink. For some people it was there first time…I’ll just leave it at that. Then we were invited to go bowling, so some of us were going to do that, until we got another invitation to eat out. So we went to Pizza House, and then bowling. Man, I have truly lost some skills. But it was fun. And Justin Namm is pretty good. Until next time bro… Its late.