Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Sabbath Back

Sabbath – truly an amazing day. It was always wonderful to come to Sabbath, knowing that you are a particularly special guest and greatly to be wanted. I truly hope that wherever I am, I can extend this kind of experience for those who are in my company on Sabbath.

For SS I was told that I was going to lead the lesson study. It was interesting, because I honestly, did not study the lesson; but I knew the lesson, because it covered a topic that was very dear to my heart when I read the book Desire of Ages. The SS seemed to turn into a decision of various questions that church members have seemed to want to ask for a long time. It seems that there questions were answered.

The sermon seemed to go well too. My cousin and his wife also visited, and it was good to see them there. I really hope that the message reached the people. I did notice that very early into the sermon that one lady in the back recorded the entire sermon on her cell phone. I was hoping to meet with her afterwards, but she had quickly left.

When we got back, I ate lunch, and then I was off to speak for AY. That was interesting, because I knew that many of the youth were at CLAA. Either way, there were enough for me to preach, and afterwards I was quickly told that I would be invited to speak again the following week. It is always amazing to note those who are listening very intently. Sometimes, it seems that people do not realize that I am watching them as much as they are watching me. The rest of the Sabbath was spent with family.

One thing, was this evening a group from Angeles church, called the Visionaries, came to sing to me. That was quite interesting. It really makes you feel appreciated at such a church.

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