Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weeekend in J.B. (Johore Bahur)

I stayed in a really nice house where I took this picture. And then afterwards we went to a really wonderful church service. It was quite different. You take your shoes off, and then you go upstairs for services.

When the service was over I was taken on a ride to some waterfall. It was pretty cool.

Saturday night we had durian and some other fruits. Afterwards, we went to play some bad mitten. Let's just say, I'm not that great at that sport.

The following morning we had something that was really good, but I can't remember what it is called. After that on our way to Singapore we had one last stop at a Japanese Restaurant - and since they had Vegan options it was really good!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hello Malaysia!!!

After being stuck at KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport), I was picked up by a total stranger and driven an hour away to some part of KL to which I waited for about 30 minutes, and then finally taken to my friends house.

The only thing, I got charged $80 extra for baggage. And that was last night...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Week in Pampanga

During my last week in Pampanga, I had to make sure that I took at least a few more pictures that could help summarize my trip to PI. Hope you enjoy. The first picture is taken inside a jeepney.

I had to go to the Bureau of Immagration in Manila to try to get papers for becoming a dual citizen. The effort failed.

If I have not yet become known for this, I will start by stating, "I like food." So I took pictures of some of my favorites - especially suman (pronounced su ma'n)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday Summary

Studied at the church school. That’s about it for today.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday, Change of Location

Highlights of today:

Hung out with JR and Aldrin (my nephew, I found out).

Went out to eat with my cousin and her friend at Angeles City SM.

Came back to my Uncle Boy’s house and changed locations toward staying with my Auntie Merlue.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Last Sabbath in my home Church

Last weekend in Manabogue SDA Church. It was pleasant. Since there was an event at the Angeles City Church I was invited to speak at the Sapang Mai Sac SDA Church. That was truly a great experience. I truly love the youth group there.

When the whole AY program was finished I didn’t want to leave, and we spent a bit of time speak with the individuals. It was great. After we returned to where I was staying, we arranged for us (my Auntie, Uncle, cousin and the AY from the church) to all go out to eat in San Fernando. It was great; but the food was okay. Good times, good times.

Since we got back late, I have decided to just stay with my cousin JR and Auntie Merlue.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I spent most of the day just reading and preparing for the upcoming meetings that will start next week. We have decided that we will hold a Revival at Angeles City SDA Church. This being done instead of speaking in Cavite. But today was mainly a recovery day.

Other than for that, I spoke for vespers. It was good to see my family there for support and ect. I really hope that the messages that I speak are really getting to the heart of the situation in some of these places. I can tell that many Christians have become lax-a-daisy about Christianity. Oh, that we would be more faithful.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baguio - The Drive Back

This morning we got up and went to some famous view, but it was foggy and we weren’t able to see anything. So we went to check out, got something to eat, made a quick stop to some temple, and were on our way to the Strawberry fields where I got my small souvenirs and a lot of pasalubong’s for my family.

After a long drive, we arrived about ¾ of the way back to Angeles and went out to eat a very nice Pizza Hut. In front of the restaurant there was an old train from WWII which was used by the Japanese.

By now, I just know that I am tired of driving, and tired all together.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baguio - The Arrival

The first time in 20 years. Literally, the last time that I was here I was 3 years old. It was a bit of a long drive. We had to get the seatbelt fixed, especially after yesterday’s situation. When we arrived we ate at a vegetarian restaurant at the SM in Baguio, and then met with my cousin JR, who I haven’t seen in 6 years.

Then we went to the mission office and were able to get a place to stay. Then they talked to the people about me doing the Wednesday night Prayer Meeting. We quickly went out to eat and returned so that I could speak. I discovered that the people present were mostly LE’s, so I spoke to them as a former LE. When I was finished, I discovered that the rest of the congregation consisted of several Conference officals. I then felt very humble to have spoken in front of them. It was nice to be invited back though.

Either way, it was a long day, and it will be a longer one tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ticket in PI

This morning my Uncle Boy took me to the Angeles City Adventist School. But he picked me up too early. I really needed to study a lot and I don’t think that people are understanding how much I really have to do. It was okay, even though I am not currently feeling that way. Things will work out and I was able to get a few things completed.

Later in the afternoon when I was supposed to return I went with my Kuya Allen to his work site, and then on the way back I was talking with my cousin’s “wife” about how I got a $500 ticket in the US once. Then right after I had mentioned the story I got pulled over for not having a seatbelt and driver’s license – the charge, 500 pesos. I felt kind of bad.

Afterwards, I read a bit at the school and am now back at my Uncle’s house. Tomorrow, Baguio.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, Auntie Merlue came to Uncle Boy’s house, and we decided to go to the local Adventist school so that I could ask them if I could study there during the day. I need a place to get away. They agreed, and then Auntie Merlue and I took a bus to Manila, then a train to MAMC (Manila Adventist Medical Center). When we got to the Sanitarium I greatly needed to go to the bathroom. And then when I got out, my cousin was there. I felt kind of bad, because I was supposed to be a surprise, and then I didn’t even recognize her.

Afterwards, we ate at the Sanitarium, and then I found out that my friends brother knew my cousin; so my cousin was texting my friends brother, and as she was texting him, in he walked into the cafeteria. Thus, I met Professor Gavas.

During the afternoon we went to MOA (Mall of Asia) to do a few errands for my cousin and then returned before 5 so that my cousin would not be late for choir practice. Since Professor Gavas is the conductor, I asked him for a picture, since I was unsure if I would see him again.

The drive back was a bit long, but my Auntie and I talked nearly the whole time, so it didn’t seem like it was that far.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother’s Day!

It is official, I have called my mother 3 times, and each time I either got no answer or a full mailbox. One of the times I was actually able to leave a message. Either way, the plan was for me to go with Jing-Jing to MAMC (Manila Adventist Medical Center) and stay in Manila so that I could go to immigration tomorrow. The following is what took place:

During the afternoon I went with Uncle Boy and Auntie Eva to see Karren’s program at San Fernando; but before we left, I left my things at Auntie Merlue’s house because that is what I thought she had said. Later I found out otherwise. So when we got to San Fernando the program was beginning to take a long while. A while in which, I was growing more impatient. When Karren actually got up, I had discovered that her and her friends were not going to sing, but rather were going to dance. And I was like, “what?” So when she got up and the power went out, I was like, “it’s a sign, it’s a sign!” Eventually, the power came back on, and then it went out again, and I repeated the same thing. After sometime the power came back on again.

When the power finally came on for good, they did there dance – all of which I would be ashamed to say, “Yes, she was in church yesterday.” When the program was finished, I was so infuriated that I did not know what to say. Then we ate (all of which, I was unaware of), and I kept thinking to myself, I need to get back. I’m supposed to go to Manila, tonight! Long story short, I didn’t go to Manila. I’m stuck at the house. And I’m not in the best mood.

Oh, Lord, help me. I know not what to do.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Sabbath Back

Sabbath – truly an amazing day. It was always wonderful to come to Sabbath, knowing that you are a particularly special guest and greatly to be wanted. I truly hope that wherever I am, I can extend this kind of experience for those who are in my company on Sabbath.

For SS I was told that I was going to lead the lesson study. It was interesting, because I honestly, did not study the lesson; but I knew the lesson, because it covered a topic that was very dear to my heart when I read the book Desire of Ages. The SS seemed to turn into a decision of various questions that church members have seemed to want to ask for a long time. It seems that there questions were answered.

The sermon seemed to go well too. My cousin and his wife also visited, and it was good to see them there. I really hope that the message reached the people. I did notice that very early into the sermon that one lady in the back recorded the entire sermon on her cell phone. I was hoping to meet with her afterwards, but she had quickly left.

When we got back, I ate lunch, and then I was off to speak for AY. That was interesting, because I knew that many of the youth were at CLAA. Either way, there were enough for me to preach, and afterwards I was quickly told that I would be invited to speak again the following week. It is always amazing to note those who are listening very intently. Sometimes, it seems that people do not realize that I am watching them as much as they are watching me. The rest of the Sabbath was spent with family.

One thing, was this evening a group from Angeles church, called the Visionaries, came to sing to me. That was quite interesting. It really makes you feel appreciated at such a church.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Angeles Vespers

I spent nearly the entire day at CLAA. It was good. I got to meet with many of the youth from the Pampanga region, a place that I feel a close affinity.

After morning worship, the group went to an orphanage and sang to the kids there. It was one of the sweetest sights, for the kids then sang for us. It was almost heart breaking to know that these wonderful children were orphans. Many places do not realize the blessings that they have, and in many cases, this could include myself.

Afterwards we went back to the campus and had breakfast, played some games, and then I took some of my last few pictures. It was almost hard to say goodbye, even though I had only met many of them that day or the day prior.

On the drive back, we went through a huge rainfall. Sometimes I can forget how much it actually rains in the Philippines. But we also made a quick stop to visit my Ate Raquel (she really is my cousin). When we finally arrived, I went to visit Kuya Gary because his wife just had a child. Then we had a little time to eat and then go off to vespers, where I spoke for Angeles City SDA Church. I believe it went well. I have been requested to speak for AY tomorrow and for Vespers next week, and possible AY also. We’ll see.