Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 10: Sabbath in BH

We were supposed to go to the Central church in BH; but I was so exhausted and am getting sick, so we just went to the local church near to the house. It was fun, and for a “small church” it was pretty big.

Vanessa translated the Sabbath school for me, than you very much, even though it had nothing to do with the lesson. The sermon seemed to be pretty good too; the only recommendation that I would have is a bit more enthusiasm. After church we were invited to go to one of the youth’s houses for the evening, and then the SS teacher invited us over tomorrow to go and find some presents for my family back home.

After church we came back to the house, ate, changed, and immediately went to Pampulah and then to Downtown BH, which meant that I was able to see the Central Church after all. It was pretty fun, very relaxing, and a little exhausting. Not a highly recommended activity for a whole day; but we did get it in, and then we came back to the house and just slept or tried to sleep. After which we woke up and finished off the rest of the pizza.

Its sad, I’m leaving tomorrow and I’ve already fallen for Brazil. All I know is that I really wish that I had the gift of tongues. I really want to learn Portuguese, French, and Spanish; but first I’m really going to get down Tagalog, because I think that I can really get it down quickly – and I’m going to Philippines in a few more months!

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