Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Consulate & Chicago

Click here for my day in the Windy City.

I woke up late – 6:40 and needed to leave at 6:45, so I brushed my teeth and was like, umm, the shower is going to have to wait, I need to get to the bus station quick. We got there, and I had just enough time to ask for a round trip ticket, directions, and which bus it was. Then I boarded the bus and was able to have devotions. It was a short ride.

When I got off the train I went to the nearest Walgreens to get a Passport Photo for the visa and start walking to Michigan Ave. When I got to Michigan Ave. I turned right, because that is what I was instructed to do, but I started to go South and when I got to 400 something it was not the correct place. So I asked the police and he said that I was way off and needed to start going the other direction. I don’t think that I’ve ran so fast for a while with a backpack on. It was good though, because man was I awake when I got the consulate. I still arrived at 8:30, the time that I was told to arrive because lines would start to get big early and they didn’t open until 9. I was the fourth person in line and the people in front of me were one family.

When I got in I asked for the person that I was told to ask for and I was immediately helped. He was very kind, and things were figured out quickly. I was told to wait and see what would happen, so I waited for a little while. It was odd because I had all this food in my backpack from my Auntie and I just couldn’t eat, I was like I just need to pray. But after a while I was told to return at 12:45 (15 minutes before they closed) to pick up the visa. I haven’t wanted to show so much appreciation in a while. I actually went to a story and got a thank you card.

Chicago is very different, but in many ways it almost like a bridge between San Francisco and Boston. There are parts of it that I liked; but it was a nice city. Since I had a few hours to kill I was able to go to the John Hancock Tower and take pictures of the whole city. I also figured that I might as well get the whole experience and listen to the audio version, so I was able to get a good number of the city down. And since three hours is a long time I was able to walk a great portion of downtown. I think there are only a few things that I was not able to see.

When I returned I got the visa and quickly started to walk to the train station. On my way though I saw the older gentlemen all tucked up and not in such a good condition. Often we pass by these people, but my heart tugged within me and I asked him if he would like any food, so I offered to get him subway since it was right there and he gladly accepted. I wish that I could have stayed and talked with him a bit more, but I was in a little rush so I hope that he enjoyed his food.

When I got to the station I saw that the #6 train was boarding for Hinsdale/Aurora, so I quickly ran over and got on the train. I finally got back to Hinsdale and called up Emilie to pick me up. The Lason family is a very kind family. They had food for me and all when I got back. I almost wanted to stay one more day, but I had already delayed my trip to Brazil for two days. I think it is time to finally get on the way.

I was able to spend a little more time with the family at the mall and get Vanessa a camera, I hope that she likes it. But it was good, I got to the airport with a good amount of time. I was able to see some more Filipino’s and talk with them a little more. I called my friends again to tell them that I was leaving again. And then I finally made it on the flight to Brazil. It’s going to be a long night. But in a few more hours I will be in a whole new country once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.