Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 4 | Friday

May 25, 2007

Day 4 (Friday)

6:00 AM try to wake up

8:00 AM actually wake up

8:30 AM eat breakfast

9:00 AM devotional and meeting
This morning we sung Happy Birthday for Alexandria.

10:00 AM personal devotions
I have decided to follow Jesus. I am reading through the Conflict of the Ages series, and am finally in The Great Controversy. Pp. 43-44 really hit me, and I would like to recommit my life to Christ right now. Thank you Lord, you knew I needed to do this today.
I am preaching my first sermon tonight. Prayers are greatly needed now more then ever before.

12:00 PM eat lunch

5:50 PM leave for churches

7:00 PM arrive at church
Everything seemed to be great, except my translator did not arrive until 8:25. We finally began, and it ran smooth. Praise the Lord. There was a Mrs. Karen Glassford there. She said that she was a representative from ShareHim and just happened to be visiting the area on vacation. After the service she wrote me this note on things that I did well.

‘Hey Douglas,
I work at time as an organizer or date block manager for Share Him. I wasn’t here with Share Him. My husband and I help to sponsor some college students here in D.R. (Dominican Republic) But I just have to comment on your sermon. You did a great job!!
Here are some great things you did
1. You smile a lot. That’s important when connecting with your audience
2. You sound sure of the turht you present i.e. you are convincing.
3. You keep saying the Bible can be trusted. Excellent.
4. You look relaxed
5. You do a good job of rephrasing something when your translator doesn’t know a word. (By the way, your translator is excellent.)
Keep up the good work! You are in my prayers!
Karen Glassford
PS Alter call was great – you knew it

Thought it wasn’t a real altar call, I did make an appeal to stand for Jesus like Daniel of old stood for Jesus. But the sermon seemed to go really well. I am so thankful for my translator; but he said that he would not be there in the morning because he himself is a pastor. I am a bit concerned about that, but everything seemed to go really well.
On another note, probably too well. Someone asked me if I was married and then asked if I liked Dominican women. LoL, funny Dominicans.
I have also met someone named Maxwell. Everyone else’s names I’ve forgotten.

10:40 arrive back, have a short meeting, go to sleep.

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