Monday, April 9, 2007

Evangelistic Podcast

This is an excerpt to an e-mail I just sent.

Mrs. Hadley,

I was wondering if you would like me to give your Sabbath School? I will be there on May 4. But only for the weekend. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm staying and what's happening.
But I figured I would give you a few updates. This past weekend I went to the Regional ASI and I was very moved to do full time evangelism. So I talked to Nathan (who's at AUC) and told him that I would be interested in going the work up there. Tonight I'm going to find out the results, but I may be joining them with Mark Finley in Portland, Maine to do evangelistic work from August till December of this year. Afterwards I will help to establish a new church that is built only on the directions of the Bible and counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy. The department is called the Center for Discipleship and Evangelism.
I am very excited and we'll see how the Lord leads. I'll tell you whether or not I got accepted. Please pray about it. Big steps in a little amount of time. In other words I will not go to Germany nor pursue for a doctorate, unless the Lord declares such is necessary for these times, but I will be doing full time evangelism and bring the power and spirit of Elijah back to the Northeast.

What do you think? Any opinions? What do you think about helping start an EGW Research Center if I move up there too? Cause I would like to get on that. Also I'm not sure if you have ever heard of podcasting. Its a little hard for me to explain, but my friend and in in the next two weeks are going to start the first Evangelistic Podcast ever. We are going to try to get a hold of Mark Finley and such. It will be online, when it goes we will inform of how to watch them if you would like. We are also going to try to get it registered through iTunes that way it will reach worldwide proportions. I'm very excited, the work is finally going "into all the world." We plan on having Biblical messages... so now I'm going to start a revolution of internet evangelism. We have already ordered the necessary equipment and have our own webspace. So now the work will take full swing into online media.

Take care,


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