Monday, March 16, 2009

ACE - After Comprehensive's Experience

Well, I am back in France after taking my Comprehensive Exams. I would go into all the details of why I had to take them back in the US, but let's not discuss that. I think I did alright. I mean, I studied pretty hard, especially for the one that I thought I had my highest chance of failing, Revelation.

On Sabbath I visited the Chung's, and Mrs. Chung made me, like always, a very wonderful meal. Oh, how much I miss Korean food. Good times, good memories, ah...

Sunday, I took the comp's. Monday, I took more comp's. And I barely made my flight (thank you Cha for getting me there), and flew back to London, slept for a few hours at my Auntie's house, realized that I was late, caught a cab, met Jess, made my flight, and am back and exhausted!

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