Friday, January 30, 2009

Eloho's Birthday

This evening we went out to eat in Carouage (near Geneva) for a new IFLE student’s arrival, Eloho. Good times.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snowboarding in the French Alps

Thanks to the school, we had an outing in the French Alps, for snowboarding. Sweetness. Enjoy the few pics.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day in Geneva with an Australian

A new friend, Christian, from Australia had yet to have been to Geneva. So today a few of us went a little tour. Pour guy though, he didn't get to see la jet d'eau. Maybe more pictures later.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

At and with GC Officials

Today was one packed day of seeing the General Conference (GC), which also houses the NAD (North American Division), Griggs University, BRI (Biblical Research Institute), Ellen White Estate, and many more other things.

After our personal guided tour we went down to the Ellen White Estate and went into the Vault. Then we had lunch with GC officials - such as the President, Editor of the Review, Director of BRI, Director of EGW Estate (Jim Nix), etc. For the evening we had a small snack at Jim Nix's house, where he told us stories of pioneers. Very inspiring! All of it!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thanks Kimmie!

So... I missed my flight. And, I would like to suggest that it is not my fault. My cousin suggested, why don’t we stop and get some food. So we did, and although it didn’t take that long. It took a little while to get the bill and yes... I missed my flight by only seconds. What a shame. I actually really wanted to see the Review and Herald Pub. Assn. I’ve still never been there and they are supposed to have a private tour. In some ways I think the Lord needs to spend more time alone with me.

However, my good friend Kim still picked me up and took me to get some great food (observe below). It was really good. Thanks Kimmie! It’s almost a bit odd, because we haven’t known each other that long or even that much. But she was kind enough to pick me up and take me to my hotel. Hope to see you on Sabbath!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

EGW Research Center Revisited

Left for Texas. Thanks to my cousin, I have arrived safely back in Keene for the first time in years. I’ve missed it. Good to see old friends. I’m currently staying at the Hadley’s and it brings back so many wonderful memories. However, I am greatly pained to see Mr. Hadley in the state that he is in. Oh, how I wish he could see Jesus come so soon.
It is also wonderful to see what has become of the Ellen White Research Center. Now it’s called Synergy. I personally think they need a new acronym, because I can never remember what that stands for. It’s also a blessing to see Justin, mon ami. Il est bon person.
In two days I will be at the General Conference. And mysteriously, the Lord will speak through me this weekend. Hopefully I can see some friends from the area.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year '09

Qu’est-ce que tu fait aujourd’hui? We celebrated the New Year by the Swede’s missing their flight and are now spending New Year’s day trying to find a new flight for them.