Saturday, October 25, 2008

Birmingham, England

Since my friend and I spent a good amount of the night and early morning talking, we were both very exhausted. Nonetheless, we made it early to Leamington Spa Mission. It was a unique service with communion at the end. Afterwards, we stayed for a bit and ate there. Potluck is a bit different here, you bring your own food and have your own meal with others there who do the same.

One interesting thing. I met a man who was a mission for about 5 years and is now studying Theology at Newbold College. So we were able to talk for quite some time about some things.

For the afternoon the church made shoe boxes to send to some foreign country. After which my friend and I went for a walk around some park and then return to their place. That was basically Sabbath. After its closing I treated her out for her birthday at some Italian restaurant. It was pretty good. But now calculating the price, I’m not sure if it was fully worth it. I guess it is also not so easy to go out to eat and be a vegan - even though I made a lot of requests in my order.

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