Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 19 | Sabado

June 9, 2007

Day 19 | Sabado

8:30 AM last meeting of the trip. Sophonie did the devotional this morning.

9:00 AM meet in the front.

10:30 AM arrive at my church.

11:35 AM start to preach my last sermon.
It was so sweet, before I began, during the children's story, the children wanted to give me a present to remember them by. They gave me a Dominican flag. It was so sweet, the wanted to gather around me. I had never felt like Christ before, until that moment. I was thinking about how the kids would gather around Christ. "Suffer not..."
Before I preached, I asked the church if it would be alright for me to take a picture to remember them by.

I preached for about an hour about the second coming, "Is Heaven Real?" I believe it went well. I made it a bit more personal. But after the service so many people wanted to say goodbye and hug me and such. But I kept trying to remind them that this was not all. If we don't meet againn here, then in heaven.

12:50 PM leave for Alexander's house.
Alexandar invited me to eat lunch, my last Sabbath, at his house. The food was great. It was honestly some of the best food that I had in the Dominican. Thank you.

3:00 PM show the family pictures of AZ and ones I took while I was here.
Then before I left we took a picture.

3:50 PM leave to go back to the church.

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