Thursday, November 13, 2008

Annecy, France

A few of the students and I went to Annecy, France to obtain our medical examinations for a French Residency Permit. Hopefully this will actually be the last step. However, the town is a sweet little place. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

In Sweden

Since the 29th, I’ve been in Sweden. It’s been wonderful. It’s a little cold though. What I believe has fascinated me the most is that from nearly the moment I have arrived, we have had Bible studies at nearly all times. From the time we have breakfast, to lunch, to dinner, and afterwards. The people here are so hungry. It’s wonderful, we are trying to organize for a revival youth meeting some time next year. Hopefully we will soon see the fruits of this. I think tomorrow we are going to Stockholm, so I will try to post some more pictures then.