Saturday, February 11, 2006


Why Not's of Adventism: Why Remain?
Malcolm Salunga Douglas

If anyone knows the history behind the Ph.D. program, here, at Andrews University they will find out that it was started by a man who would forever change Adventism. He came from a lineage of faithful Adventists. His father was the faithful continuous objector in the Nazi’s military during World War II (A Thousand Shall Fall). And his son is considered one of the most famous ancient military warfare Archeologists of this century. His books were not only read by Adventists, but were used in many non-Adventist seminaries around the world. So who was the man who started the Ph.D. program and was once Dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary?

His name rings controversy among Adventist theological circles, but his lifework as a theologian has deeply enhanced the theology of one major subject in Adventism – The Remnant.

What if I were to submit to you that God among his people has had those who were truly faithful? A smaller group from among the greater majority of those who claimed to follow God. This concept has always been true, and particularly so, among us as Adventists. This group, a remnant, are those who are the loyal. They are the Daniel, Hanniah, Misheal, and Azariah’s of Judah. They are the Levites of Israel of old. They are the disciples from the Jews. They are that constant line of faithful, dedicated, reliable, trustworthy, committed truth seekers. They are traced throughout all of history, but when the great controversy between Christ and Satan meets its last day people Satan will increase with extreme hatred and make “war with the remnant” of Christianity, “which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 12:17).

The question thus, is not if there is the idea of the remnant (God’s faithful people); but are you and I a part of that remnant? When all is said and done, when the articles are published, if they do not challenge you, if you are not changed; then this has all been in vain.

I urge you to reconsider, for if you do not you will become like that girl who though did not think that God did not really exist has fallen far from Him. The are only two choices to fall him all the way or no way. Where will you walk? Why not fall him? Why not?

This article is dedicated to a family that has meant so much to my growth as a Christian believer – The Hasel’s. Dr. Hasel, this is for your father, Gerhard F. Hasel (193? – 1994).